Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Ela!

The last time that we updated the blog, we were two. Now we are so happy that our family is three.(Four with Ozzy). We could not be happier, being a parent is WONDERFUL and she amazes us each day. Looks like we have to come up with a new name for our blog!

We went to the hospital on the 11th at around 6pm and Jessi started to get induced. The inducement process is kind of a long one, by giving medication both externally and intravenously. Around 9:30 Jessi started the labor process and started feeling contractions. The contractions were pretty regular and lasted well through the night becoming stronger and more painful. Jessi went until 2 am without pain medication and then took some morphine through an IV. Well for never have taken morphine, Tomasz can atest that was probably the worst part of the pregnancy as Jessi woke up and did not know where she was and was very sick. After the morphine wore off Jessi felt much better(ironic right). At around 12pm Dr Kanos came in and determined Jessi was only 2 cm dilated. How frustrating! Jessi cried because Dr. Kanos told us it could be a long day. We watched the snow fall and watched game shows with the nurses all morning trying to pass the time. At around 1pm Jessi decided to take the Epidural. The pain was not unbearable but the doctor did not want her to get tie rd trying to put up with the contractions, but to save her energy to push. The epidural was a breeze! Tomasz left the room and after signing her life away they gave the epidural and it was smooth sailing from then on out! Around 3pm Dr. Kanos came in the room and Jessi was fully dilated! He said he was going to come back in at 3:30 and we were going to push. We looked at eachother and both of us all of a sudden got very nervous( Probably Tomasz more than Jessi).

View From our Hospital Room- She was born during a snow storm!

Jessi started pushing around 3:50. The first push the doctor said "Start Breathing". Next thing you know you hear Tomasz breathing rhythmically. It defiantly gave all of us in the delivery room a good laugh. (*Note at this point Tomasz was white as a ghost with red eyes). We will spare the majority of the details, although there was not many but after 20 minutes and 5 contractions Ela was born into this world!
From Jessi's perspective, she said all she remembers is the doctor saying "open your eyes so you can see your baby girl when I place her on your belly". From Tomasz's perspective he said that he was trying not to focus on everything that was going on so he kept focusing on the heart rate monitor and when the monitor went to zero he knew Ela was born. Dr. Kanos said Jessi had such an easy delivery becuase she was so active and in shape. He also said that she was meant to have babies and if we have another baby she needs to come to the hospital as soon as she has a contraction or the baby will fall out! :)

Elizabeth Sofia Baran
1/12/11 4:12 pm
6.78 pounds

We love her so much! It is the best feeling in the world!

Here are a few shots coming home from the hospital:

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