Sunday, July 7, 2013

Baby Baran Round #2

So.... Are you in suspense yet?

I was surprised to find out that our gender  scan was scheduled for 16 weeks with Baby B instead of the 20 weeks we had to wait to find out about our little Ela. I will say throughought this pregnancy, I have had NO clue what the sex of this Baby was. With Ela, I knew from early on that I was having a girl from both the old wives tales, my intution, and of course the Chinesse Gender Predictor. My pregnancy this time has been similar to the first as far as the morning sickness(maybe a little better), but the cravings have been completely different. The strangest of all is that I had no intuition about this one! That is odd for me. So I started thinking(yes, I am not good with surprises)...

  • The results of 2 out of the 3 quizzes I took were:

There is a 50% chance you are having a BOY. There is a 50% chance you are having a GIRL.
As if I could not have guessed that myself.

  • And the Chinese Gender Predictor(Which was accurate with Ela):

The Chinese chart says you're having a boy!

  • And the REAL expert on the subject matter, Ela of couse:

Since we told Ela she was going to be a big sister she said that she was going to have a "Brodther" (Brother). About a week ago after we told her that she was going to get to see her Brother or Sister on TV, she started saying she was going to have a "Sista"(Sister). Apparently NO ONE knew what I was having!

If you have not already scrolled to the bottom, I will get to the exciting news!

 We ended up taking Ela to my appointment since her school was on a reduced schedule for the holiday and that was priceless. When she saw the Baby on the big monitor, Tomasz told her that was her baby. She had the HUGEST smile on her face. She waived and said "Hi Baby". MELT. MY. HEART. As soon as we told her what the sex of the baby was she screamed out a name! (which happened to be the name of the doctor as well) That is for another day and another post when we decide but Baby Baran is a .....


This is a crotch shot...Those are legs in case you were confused!

We are so happy and who would not want another little Ela running around the house? I am so excited that Ela will have a built in best friend and someone to plot against Tomasz and I with! We go back in another few weeks to get a peek at her again!

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