Saturday, August 24, 2013

Conversations with my Toddler- Chapter 2

She is just like the energizer bunny....She NEVER stops talking. I also never know what to expect. Here are the latest conversations.

Ela: Mommy Can you get my book? I am just a little girl, with little hands, and cant reach it.

After dropping Tomasz at the airport.
Me: Ela, Do you miss Tata?
Ela: Yes, but dont worry, you have me Mommy

Ela brought me over some water.
"Mommy I am so sweet to bring you your water right?

Taking 10 minutes to walk a few blocks:(Ms. Independent with no stroller)
Me: Ela do you want me to carry you?
Ela: No Mommy, Your pregmant remember?

As we were walking to the car, I was playing with Ela's Elmo doll.
Ela: Mommy, give me back my Elmo you have your own baby in your belly.

We took Ela to the beach a few weeks ago.As we are walking to the beach Ela turns to me:
"Mommy, I am feeling a little nervous about going in the water"
She finally gets in the water and LOVES it! After two times of running to the bathroom, we finally told her to pee in the water. (Yes we are those parents) An hour later, she goes running towards the water.
Tomasz: Ela where are you going?
Ela: Tata, I am going poo poo. Do you want to come?
OMG! How do we explain that one?

Ela: "Tata there is too much milk in my belly. Next time please don't put so much in my cup!"

Trying to get Ela to eat dinner.(note: she has food Allergies)
Me: Ela eat your dinner.
Ela: I cant
Me: Yes, Ela if you want Ice Cream you need to eat your dinner.
Ela: I cant. It has nuts in it.
HOW FREAKING SMART IS SHE? (Of course there was not nuts)

Ela fell in the hallway in our home, and I laughed.
Ela: Do you really think this is funny Mommy? <totally pissed off voice>

Talking about going to eat Breakfast on the Promenade
Me: Ela tomorrow is Saturday. Its breakfast with Mommy day.
Ela: Yea! Maybe you can use your phone and call Levi(her friend) and tell him to come.
Me: Ok I can do that, Ill text his mommy.
Ela: Don't text, probably you need to call becuase Levi does not have a phone.

Ela" Do you want to be my friend today instead of my Mommy so we can play dolls"

Tomasz and I were talking in the front seat of the car.
Ela: " Excuse me kids. I think you should be quiet now"

Friday, August 23, 2013

6 Months!

Holy Cow! I am 6 months pregnant.... How did this happen? (Well not the pregnancy part, but how has time flown by so quick) Here is our little girl. Now that I have a belly to show, I have been much better about weekly bump pictures.

**Whats going on this week?!**

How far along? 24 Weeks- 6 months
How many weeks left? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, and much earlier this go around
Food Craving of the Week: Grits, Spinach Salad, Chipolte Tacos
Sleep: Not great. I actually dread sleep. I cant stay asleep and if I do, Ela wakes up to use the bathroom.
Best moment this week: Morning Breakfast on the Promenade with Ela on Saturdays
Movement: Yes, her little toushy keeps pooping out.
Belly Button in or out? In but not for long...
What I miss: Sleep(sorry to have such a boring response)
What I am looking forward to: Lauren coming to visit
Weekly Wisdom: Coconut Water and Spinach- Keeping the BP down
Milestones: 6 months. 
Ela's thoughts on Baby Sister: Ela asked if she poops in my belly. She also asked if she could talk to her sister on the phone. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

What's in Our Pantry?

I have never been food conscious in the past. I have been lucky enough to eat whatever I wanted for most of my life and not gain weight(other than a brief time of the onset of my hypothyroidism). With that being said I never really watched what I ate, especially in my college years. I will honestly admit that the first time in my life I began to care what I ate, was when Ela started eating solids. I made her eat healthy and then it became a habit for myself and Tomasz to eat healthier. Society, especially living in NY has made it much easier. If you are not familiar, restaurants in NYC are required to post calories on the menu. Additionally there are bans are sodas and juices larger than 12 ounces. I was never big into McDonald's, but after seeing a menu with calories, I don't think I stepped foot in one in the 3 years that we lived here.

 I was talking to my Mom one day and telling her how much I just spent on groceries....Her response was " You feed Ela expensive foods"; This is the truth. This also probably answer the question why I did not eat healthier in my college years. A few months later, after getting bored in our rut of the same meals, I began to think about what I ate as a child. Some of the things I ate as a child I would NEVER feed Ela today. This was not because my parents, specifically my Mom were not doing the very best that they could for us, but just rather a lack of knowledge on the part of society. Sugary cereals were all the rage, the more chocolaty the better. I remember eating salads with ice berg lettuce which has no nutritional value; the word Kale was a foreign language at this point. No one knew how much sodium was in processed packaged foods, or rather who cared. I had not eaten an avocado until I was in my 20's. Even though not nutritionally related, but a great example, when I was pregnant with Ela my grandmother asked around 4 months if I stopped drinking yet. She said that she stopped around 6 months! 6 months! Are you kidding? Again 50 years ago who knew what we know now?

I am not as savvy with Meal Planning as some of my fellow bloggers are. I strive to be, but I am just not there yet. I have committed to not feeding Ela anything out of a package. I do not even worry about the fat content as much as I worry about sodium. We eat Mac and Cheese, I boil whole wheat veggie added pasta, throw some cheese and a little half and half and have a much healthier version. When I make pasta I shred veggies and sneak 2 cups in. Banana bread with Greek yogurt is a staple which also has hidden carrots and zucchini. 

It amazing how much society has become informed and changed over the years. Although useful the days of the microwave are fading away. I thought I would share my favorite  foods or recipes that are staples in our house!

GREEK YOGURT- My little yogurt snob will not even eat regular yogurt. She LOVES Greek Yogurt and Chobani has helped to make this much easier with great flavors!
COCONUT WATER- This is a new addition to our household staples... Especially being pregnant and with a few  summer viruses. It has AMAZING nutrients and health benefits even in little servings.
HIDDEN VEGGIE PASTA- We have to get our veggies snuck in since Ela is not a huge veggie gal! Paired with  2 cups of veggies snuck into pasta sauce and meatballs and she gets her daily servings.
SQUEEZERS! How did our parents live without these? It makes feeding fruits and veggies so much easier Happy Tot is more expensive but with added nutrients and allot of veggies snuck in.I always look to make sure apple is not the main ingredient which it can be in other brands.
Kids health-Banana bread-
We sub Greek yogurt and add a cup of shredded carrots and a cup of zucchini(with skin) A healthier snack to cure the sweetest sweet tooth.

RASPBERRIES! This has always been a favorite of mine, but Ela has taken these to a whole new level. If I let her, she would eat a container in one setting.

 AVOCADO- When Ela was going through her picky stage and she would not eat this is my go to! She could eat a half an avocado for dinner and I still felt while it was not a complete meal pretty close with protein antioxidants and good fats.

Now here comes the honesty.... Many of you that know me well know my obsession with ICE CREAM. Trust me... That has not changed and it must be hereditary because Ela shares the same love. My taste buds have just gotten snobbier with some of my favorite flavors!

Not the healthiest but at least its quality!

What are some of your favorite foods for your family?!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Conversations with My Toddler

Yes, I always say "I love this age" for every age Ela has grown. I guess I just love my child and that's what the real story is behind it....BUT the first few weeks/months of talking were great. Now at almost 3 years old, not only is Ela talking but totally understands what is going on around her. I really wanted a way to remember these moments, so here they are:

Cheese! For Ice Cream

Don't even need words for how cute she is.
(How about that leg pop pose?)

Showing off her Beach Bod

I go to pick up Ela from School one day.( I had not told the teachers I was pregnant yet:)
Teacher: Do you have something to tell us?
Me: No.....
Teacher: Ela said you have a baby in your belly and it eats allot!!
Yes! She spilled the beans.

On our way to School one day Ela asked where I was going:
Ela: Mommy where do you go when Ela in school
Me: I go to work
Ela: Like Tata?
Me: Yes, Mommy goes to work to make money for Tata and Tata goes to work to make money for Mommy.
Ela: Oh.... I think we have too much money now. Do you want to come to school with Ela?

I was getting dressed for work one day:
Ela: Mommy why do you hide your baby?

I was tickling and blowing raspberries on Ela's belly one morning when we woke up. She imitated and started doing the same to my Leg. I told her that it works better if she does it on my belly. She looked very concerned and said "Mommy I can not eat my baby"

Conversation at the park
Ela: Mommy I don't want to be a girl anymore
Me: Why not? You are too pretty to be a boy
Ela: Boys get to have more fun and play with scooters.

Ela woke up and Tomasz went in her room to get her. She comes running into our room crying:
Me: Ela whats wrong?
Ela: Mommy, Tata did not sing the Good Morning Song to me.
(I sing every morning)

As we are in the bath I was asking Ela about school.
Me: Who is your favorite teacher?
Ela: Ms. Katie
Me: I thought Ms. Tina was your favorite teacher?
Ela: Tina is on Day-Cation. Whats daycation?
Me: Vacation you mean? Vacation is when someone goes to relax and takes time off work.
Ela: Oh.... <thinking> Is Tata on Vacation?
Me: Yes, Well kind of .(He was in training for work)
Ela: With Ms Tina?
Me: Rolling on the floor laughing!!!

Ela threw her bagel on the ground when we were eating breakfast.
Me: Ela why did you do that? You have to eat.
Ela: "The birdies don't have Mommy's to feed them"

Brushing Ela's teeth before bed.
Ela: Mommy can I sleep in your bed?
Me: No honey you have to sleep in your own bed tonight.
Ela: I cant
Me: Why not?
Ela: Its Dangerous.
Me: Do you know what dangerous means? Why is it dangerous?
Ela: There is crocodiles in it.

Walking home from school in the rain one day:
Ela: Mommy go faster I am getting wet
Me: Ela, I am going as fast as I can. I have a baby in my belly and cant run
Ela: Well tell Baby to go faster too

Eating Ice Cream with Ela:
Ela: Mommy are you all done
Me: Yes,
Ela: I dont want to eat all this, then my belly will be like yours

Cooking in the kitchen I burnt myself. A few hours later I was putting cream on the burn.
Ela: Mommy what are you doing?
Me: Using cream for my boo boo
Ela: From the kitchen?
Me: yes
Ela: Mommy I told you, you need to be more careful next time.

Watching Ela on the Video Monitor, I see her walk up to where the camera is and say " Mommy, I am calling you do you hear me?"

I always tell Ela now that we are not using the stroller as much that she can not run away because I will be very sad and miss her if she is gone.As we are heading out to the store:
Ela: Mommy I want to walk, I don't want to bring the stroller
Me: Ok
Ela: Don't worry I wont run away I know you will miss me.

Cleaning out Ela's old clothes for her new sister:
Ela: Mommy can sister live with me in my room?
Me: Yes Ela.
Ela: Good but I will have to move because there is not enough room for Ela too.

Tomasz was calling Ela into the living room. After a few minutes of silence, Ela finally emerges and says:
Ela: "Tata I am sorry but I was doing something and very busy" (Very dramatically)