Saturday, August 6, 2011

6 months = Destroy the house!

We got a mover on our hands! I am writing this blog post after Ela has gone to bed otherwise my keyboard would have drool all over it or worse, the computer would be in her mouth. She is a handfull!

At the beginning of July she was sitting up by herself (5 1/2 months), four days before her 6 month birthday she was crawling and now a week before she is 7 months she is standing up when holding on to furniture,crib etc. It is very cute to watch but tiresome, and nerve-wracking all at the same time. She cries in her crib and when you go over to her she is not crying because she is hungry, bored, or for anything. She is crying because she stood up and does not know how to get back down. I can't believe how fast she is growing and learning. It is so much fun.
Her new Nike's...still a little too big
She gets up....but then does not know how to get down!
 One word..Chubbers!
She gets into everything...literally!
*Please note how she took over the living room with toys

Standing on the window sill which is just her height to check whats going on outside.

As tiring as she is, she is so much fun! She giggles and says "mama" crawls all over, and pretty much has to touch or break everything she sees. She's just perfect! The only problem we are having is that she just wont sleep. We are tying the Ferber method, giving more naps during the day, changing her bed time....but bottom line she just does not like to sleep. She is afraid she will miss something.

Until next time...