Saturday, February 8, 2014

2 Months Old-Julia

Life is flying by. I want to stop time and enjoy my babies but on the contrary, I love watching them grow. I do wish I could bottle the newborn baby smell, my toddler's belly laugh and snap their smiles into memory forever!

Julia is two months! 
*Holding up her head all by herself
*Follows voices and sounds
* SMILES SMILES SMILES- She seriously smiles ALL day!

* Sleeps 8:30pm-5:30am
*Swats at her toys on the play mat
*First Airplane ride 2/28/14

22 inches
10.11 pounds
3 month clothes but not for long.
Size 1 Diapers not for long as well
Her eyes turn more blue each day
I lover her chunky legs! There are at least 5 rolls on each.

The sisterly bonding is also starting. Out of all the valentines we were making, Ela was most concerned about making one for Baby Julia before her friends!

Probably one of my favorite pictures. Besides the cutest little button noses, I melt seeing them look at each other and the genuine smile on Ela's face. 

Julia's friend Skylar

She got them memo about picture taking. 

Ruby,Skylar and Julia 

Many exciting things coming in including Julia's baptism in March. Stay Tuned!