Friday, November 8, 2013

35 Weeks-Bump Update

I thought my 34 week post would be one of my last as I would not have much new going on. Turns out the sweet little girls that Tomasz and I made like to keep us on our toes.

As I mentioned in my last post, I was on bed rest at this point with Ela. In exactly one week in my pregnancy with her(36 weeks) I was induced, went into labor and our life changed in the best way possible. Crazy to think about. I still don't think it has set in that we get to meet baby Julia in a few weeks(or days), so yesterday after a trip to the OBGYN I was very surprised.

I have been having contractions on and off for around the past three weeks,been slightly swollen and just not felt right. Nothing a little laying on my left, drinking gallons of water and my Snoogle pillow could not fix. At my last appointment, my doctor assured me that contractions were normal this late in the pregnancy, especially for second time moms and that I was experiencing podrominal labor. (Sidebar: How are you going to call labor "fake" but still have it hurt so bad?? I don't get it) Starting Monday night I started getting contractions really bad again. I did my whole routine of laying down and over hydrating, yada yada yada. Most times they would let up at night. On Wednesday night into Thursday, there was NOTHING I could do to make them stop. I got no sleep even after taking two warm baths and a Tylenol. I debated on calling my OB. Sounds silly not knowing if I was actually in real labor as I am a second time mom, but being induced the first time I had NO clue what real labor felt like. Everyone always said "You will know" so I just attributed it to no bed rest this go around, and my body prepping itself. By lunch the following day I was in so much pain; the contractions were not regular, but super painful. I finally gave in and called the OB and he had me come in. On the way to the office, I began to have them every few minutes as it was a good walk. I have been driving to work lately, but to find parking around Midtown  would have been crazy so I walked....BIG MISTAKE.

Sure enough, I was examined and I was already a centimeter dilated! HOLY COW! I was shocked. When I was induced with Ela at 36.5 weeks, I was not dilated at all and barely effaced. All this time I was expecting to hear it was just prodrominal labor again, and it actually looked like I was in the beginning of labor. I was sent to the hospital and monitored just in case it was more than early labor. When I laid in bed, the contractions slowed and since they had never been regular in the first place I was sent home.(Figured this was the case) I will follow up on Monday with my OB and get a sonogram to see how much our girl weighs. The Labor and Delivery nurses said if I stay off my feet and walk minimally, she will probably come in 2-3 weeks. (37 weeks) I can already tell that even walking a few blocks, the contractions start back up again. Its near impossible living in NYC and not being able to walk.

I really want to keep this little girl nice and safe until 36.5 weeks at minimum, but I wont lie, around 37 weeks, I will be taking a few walks!

35 Weeks....A little more swollen this week.

Any of you other moms have contractions the whole last month of your pregnancy?

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