Sunday, October 6, 2013

Conversations with My Toddler- Chapter 3

She really does not stop talking.... EVER! It is hilarious and warms my heart 99% of the time. The other 1% is attributed to approaching three and learning the art of negotiation.

Here are our latest conversations

Me:  (Screaming from the shower) Ela What are you doing?
Ela: Don't Worry Mommy, I am only making a little mess"

On our way to the Grocery Store
Ela: "Mommy you need to buy allot of groceries so I can grow big and strong. I need to grow more"

Asking about school(The teachers are Polish)
Me:  Ela, does Ms. Katie talk to you in Polish at school?
Ela: " I don't know Mommy, I don't understand what she is saying"

Tucking her in for the night
Me:  Sweet Dreams Buttercup
Ela: Did you forget my name. Its Ela

Chatting about Baby Sister
Me:  Ela, I just got back from the doctor that looks at Baby Julia
Ela: Did she come out yet?

Ela comes running into the room very distraught after I sent her to look for the Ipad.
Me:  Ela whats wrong?
Ela:Come with me now Mommy. You have to see what Tata did.
We both run into the bedroom.
Ela: Look Mommy, Tata tied the Ipad to the wall. (It was charging)

Saying Prayers before bed.
Ela: "Dear God, Thank you for my school and puzzles"

Sitting on the couch
Ela:Mommy does Julia fart in your belly?
Me:  No Ela
Ela:Well then somebody smells
Me: Did you fart?
Ela: No it was Tata(Who was not even home)

Walking down the street in the stroller
Ela: Mommy watch out for my birdie.(Big Fat Pigeon)
Me:  Is that your birdie?
Ela: Yes
Me: Who gave it to you.
Ela: God did

My friend went into labor 5 weeks early. I ended up watching her son, while she rushed to the hospital. I gave Levi a bath. Ela asked to join, but at the current age I decided against it. She just sat and watched. Later on taking our own bath that night.
Ela: Mommy, How come you had to wash Levi's tale?
Me:  What do you mean by his tale?
Ela: His tale like an elephant.
Me: Is that what they call it at school?
Ela:No Mommy, Its a penis.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. My first glimpse of the "talk". This was not the end of this one. We have had quite a few more conversations around this one.

The best of the bunch...
I am sitting on the couch and Ela comes over and bites my toe.
Me:  Ela did you really just bite my toe?
Ela:No, Mom. Probably my teeth just touched your toe.

The toe incident is the best way that I can describe life of a three year old. Old enough to speak and clever enough to totally blow your mind.

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