Sunday, January 15, 2012

I have a 1 year Old...Little Girl

Just as fast as the time went that I was pregnant, my little baby is ONE! I look at her sometimes and can't believe she is ours. Looking at her she has different features of both of us but I just still cant comprehend this perfect(when she is not up to trouble) little girl was made by us. She has also taught and is still teaching us the important lesson of patience. Especially at the beginning she was a tough one!She also teaches me how wonderful life is. After all of her eczema and colic problems went away she has been the happiest baby. She waves at everyone she sees, is so inquisitive about everything and smiles ALL the time. It puts things back into perspective that it's the little things that matter.
As many of you know and have followed,I succeeded in getting a monthly picture of Ela to watch her grow. My little 6.7pound, 21 inch baby is now a 19.13pound,29 inch baby. As far as the growth charts go, she is a little squirt in the 30th percentile, but has the biggest heart.

Check out the past year:

She stole our hearts!

1 Month- Getting used to the world
2 Months- Started to hold my head

3 months was rough...Colic and Eczema
4 months-Started eating solids...Pears were first!

5 months- Learned to sit by herself

6 months- Crawled 4 days before her 6 month birthday!

7 months- Just a happy lil terror!

8 months- Cruising along the furniture

9 months- I started walking 2 days before my 10 month birthday!

10 months-Oh the trouble!

11 Months- Merry Christmas!


It's been such an eventful, happy, rewarding year which has made all the hard times that much easier. I can't wait to see what she will do her the next year of life.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe she is one already. She is such a big girl .. it's crazy how time flies! Such a wonderful blessing!
