Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Conversations with my Toddler- Chapter 4

Some more words of wisdom from my sweet, but sassy Ela:

After coming out of her bed for what seemed like a million times at bedtime:
Ela: Julia woke me up and now I cant sleep.
Julia was not even up...good try.

Ela:Do you mind feeding Elmo?
Me: What does he want to eat?
Ela: Your mommy's milk. I ran out of milk and I can not go to the store by myself.

Me: How was school?
Ela: Good but I was sad because I forgot to kiss you before school

Returning late from vacation:
Me: Sorry Ela we dont have milk. I will go to the grocery store tomorrow.
Ela: I am very disappointed you don't have milk. Please get some tomorrow.

Returning from Spanish Class:
Ela: Mommy did you see how naughty my friends were?
Me: Sometimes everyone has a bad day.
Ela: Their Mommy should put them in the quiet corner.

Ela: Mommy my clothes are too big. That means I am small and I am always your baby.

In the car on the way to a play date.
Ela: I am going to be shy today Mommy because I am the only girl.
Yeah Right on this one! Ela shy???

Ela running into our bedroom after playing unsupervised on an early Saturday morning.
Ela: I made a mess and it wasn't an accident

Me: Did you eat your lunch today at school?
Ela: Yes, but not the raisins.
Me: Why you love raisins?
Ela: Raisins are just not delicious anymore.

After a family trip to Sam's club.
Ela: Mommy that grocery store is better than the one by our house. They have snacks everywhere. (samples)

Me: Ela, time for your bath.
Ela: Mom can you hold your minute?
Me: Hold on a minute?
Ela: Yes that's what I asked you to do.

Grandma Lisa: Ela what is your favorite thing to eat?
Ela: Can you ask me in a minute I am busy right now?

As I am scolding Ela for standing on the couch.(Trying to eat Breakfast)
Ela: Don't talk with your mouth full Mommy, its not nice
Convenient how you follow the rules when you are getting in trouble.

Ela: I am sick my voice went away. You cant even hear me.

On our way home from Georgia
Tomasz: Ela are you sleepy?
Ela:Are you talking to me or Julia? I am not sleepy but I bet Julia is?

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