Saturday, October 22, 2011

"Bye Bye"

Ela is such a big girl! I looked at a picture of her the other day and thought when did my baby turn into a little girl(or a bigger baby). I feel like she learns something new every day.(or at least finds something new to get into each day) She finally is getting hair!!Between 8 and 9 months I feel like she has grown the most physically but she has also learned a lot of new things:

  • She says "bye bye" now when she waves. - It does not matter if she is coming or going...she says it either way and to EVERYONE! In the elevator, walking down the street,at the stores,in the mirror and more frequently to me every morning when I bring her to Helen's.
  • She shakes her head no. - We are working on the approriate use of this talent.
  • She dances- Dont judge me as a mom, but LMAFO is her favorite song. The other day I was in the car and saw her little hat bounce in the mirror. I can't stop her since.
  • Untie Shoelaces- Self Explanatory....I get judged so bad on the streets"Where are your babies shoes" - Look in her hands dummy!
  • Stand without holding on- She has done it twice and is so proud of herself.
  • Eating off of Mommy/Daddy's plate - We started real solids. Very nerve wracking at first but now she is a pro! We just ordered a high chair and made sure we got one with a food catching mechanism on the bottom.
She is understanding more and more each day and I actually feel like I can have a conversation with her. (and we do) Here are some pictures and videos of the past few weeks.

Milestone picure. She was giggling!

Crawling down the hallway & Doing wash with Mommy

It apears to be funner to dump out carrots than eat them.

Mac and Cheese for the first time

Dancing Away! She even goes to the beat

Standing By herself..

This will have to change..She is not my child if she does not like Ice Cream.
Ela and I at Pinkberry. Pumpkin Ice Cream.

Here are her 9 month stats:
 18.2 pds 39%
27.8 inches tall 58%
43.5cm head 37%

Next post she will probably be walking...and the fun continues!

Check out what I was doing last year. My belly was getting big and I had no clue how much I could ever love Ela! OurlittlePeanut10.18.2010

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