Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ela turns 5!

Man time flies! Just kidding but really...When you ask her how old she is her reply is "five". Just in case you were wondering Mommy and Tata are three years old. ;) She does look like a big girl in her rain boots though!

Tomasz always makes fun of me because I am often heard saying " This is my favorite age". I mean I think overall I just love being a mother, and as Ela gets older there are different parts about each age that I love.  However, 18 months to 24 months( Yes I had to say 24 months because now that my baby is officially two I can no longer quote months) has been by far the funniest. Once she started talking she has not stopped. Whether it is trying to decipher her broken words or the fact that I am rolling on the floor it is just plain hilarious!

Here are the stats: 
1/14/2013- 2 year checkup

Weight : 25.8 pounds
Height: 33 1/4 inches
Head: 47cm
Overall she is in the 35% percentile for her age. She is still my little peanut!

Speaking of peanuts... We had Ela allergy tested again. She had her first reaction to sesame last year right around this time (Allergy Update ) and after determining her allergies ,our Pediatric Allergist recommended yearly visits. Dumb part on my end making the appointment directly after her two year appointment where she had blood drawn (very dramatically) as well. So after setting up "Elmo goes potty" on the Ipad, a bubblegum lolipop, 8 skin pricks and 15 minutes of torture here are the results....

It looks like three reactions but the one closest to her hand is a "Control Allergen". Which means there was only 2 reactions! She still has the sesame and peanut but has outgrown the tree nut allergy.
THAT'S PROGRESS!!- Plus I would rather eat Nutella than Peanut Butter any day!
The hard part now is introducing the Tree Nuts..This could help her outgrow the other allergies. I will be in the parking lot of the ER with the Epi Pen and Benadryl in hand!

A quick Christmas shot with her new Elmo

A early birthday party in Georgia!


Love some Mikey!

She is such a happy girl!

Here is what Ela is up to now that she is 2:
  • Climbing on EVERYTHING! Including out of her bed. A week before she was 2 Ela transitioned to the "Big Girl" bed when she got stuck 5 feet above the ground trying to climb out. The first few nights were hard but we are getting the hang of it... except for nap time. Even more entertaining is watching her on the new Video monitor that became a necessity with a little girl in a big room by herself.
  • Playing make believe  Calling "Mackie" on her play phone every time she gets a chance. She has pretend conversations with him. Cooking eggs and coffee for Mommy and Tata in her kitchen. Putting her babies to bed and even changing the diapers. Ela smeared her ice cream all over her naked baby and then told me "Baby poo poo" Baby Night night! (English and Polish)
  • She LOVES dancing! Ela Dancing! and Ela Dancing #2
  • She is almost fully potty trained. I rarely change # 2 diapers because she hates going in her diaper....She is about 80% trained and if we had the time to be home all weekend she would be 100%.
  • We have regressed in the eating department mostly because she is too busy. She would rather be doing anything but eating....So as plan "b" we just put her food around and let her eat when she "has time".
  • She is very opinionated about clothing...Who am I kidding? About everything!! She often says " Ela no likey" "Is this mine" "I said stop" "What you doing Mommy"  It is good and bad she expresses herself!
  • She sings her "ABC's". This is the cutest work in progress ever! Ela ABC

Until later.. I will be chasing Ela around! Never a dull day with my vibrant girl!

Ela's 2nd Birthday Party!

A few months before Ela's birthday we knew her obsession with Elmo would make party planning pretty easy. Then began the Pinterest board searches... We did not really have a big party for Ela last year so I wanted to make sure that she had a great party with all of her little friends. It turns out her birthday fell on a Saturday which worked out perfect. Invites went out, club room reserved and before we knew it she was 2! Here are a few snapshots of her party... I just have to add for the record that when she is over 10 she will not be having all boy parties. All of the " little guests" were boys!

The cupcake table
The infamous cupcakes 

Today party is brought to you by the Letter "E"
and the Number "2"

My Mom made this banner on her Cricket Machine

The food table(we got pizza)...and Elmo juice for the adults.

Whats a party without put the nose on Elmo?!

Mackensie showing Ela how the Elmo register works.

Ela is 2! Loved the shirt minus the typo! 

Baloons were the best hit!
Babcia, Mommy and Great Grandma

All Ela's buddies singing "Happy BIrthday". This the quietest
the party was the whole afternoon.... CUPCAKES!

" No Levi... this is where the nose goes!"

Special Card made by a special friend...

The "Levi's"

Opening Presents

Blowing Elmo bubbles!

And finally...Its not party without someone dancing
on the table!

It was such a great day! So much so that Ela begged to go to bed at 4:30. since she would not nap before the party... We kept her up until 6:30 and then she was out in her big girl bed! The first time without a fight!