**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 26 Weeks
How many weeks left? 14Weeks
Total weight gain: eww.... 17 pounds. Doctor states I am at a perfect weight gain, but I only gained 22 with Ela so I am shuddering.
Maternity clothes? Yes, even grew out of some of the smaller ones.
Food Craving of the Week: Grits, Spinach Salad, Pop Tarts(gross right)
Sleep: Ehh...Here and there. The pee pee monster has returned.
Best moment this week: Getting to spend time with my friend Lauren for a visit.
Movement: Yes, and pretty much on schedule.
Belly Button in or out? In but not for long...Protruding half way. Much quicker than last time.
What I miss: Sleep and a Pumpkin Beer
What I am looking forward to: The cooler fall weather.
Weekly Wisdom: I told another pregnant first time mom. Take your own advice...there is so much unsolicited advice out there.
Milestones: Got a few of Baby Sisters necessities
Food Craving of the Week: Grits, Spinach Salad, Pop Tarts(gross right)
Sleep: Ehh...Here and there. The pee pee monster has returned.
Best moment this week: Getting to spend time with my friend Lauren for a visit.
Movement: Yes, and pretty much on schedule.
Belly Button in or out? In but not for long...Protruding half way. Much quicker than last time.
What I miss: Sleep and a Pumpkin Beer
What I am looking forward to: The cooler fall weather.
Weekly Wisdom: I told another pregnant first time mom. Take your own advice...there is so much unsolicited advice out there.
Milestones: Got a few of Baby Sisters necessities
Ela's thoughts on Baby Sister: "Baby Sister is going to live with Ela in her room right? " Yes Ela. "Ok but I think I should move out then"
I had a doctors appointment last week and it was a busy week. I had to complete the glucose screening, get my Rhogam Shot, and test my thyroid. This pregnancy I only had to take the 1 hour glucose test but it did not make that awful flat orange soda go down any easier...lets hope for good results. Even though slightly earlier than last time, my OBGYN had me get the first dose of my Rohgam shot. If you don't know what a Rohgam shot is, I was blessed with the rare blood type of A-. Only 9% of the WORLD has this blood type. This normally does not pose a problem unless my husband is a positive blood type; which we learned he is in the last pregnancy. At 28 weeks and again after delivery I receive this shot so that a positive blood type in the baby does not attack my negative blood. (Sounds like the war of the bloods right) Ela is O+ , like her Tata so I required the shot again this time. I tested negative for the antibodies this time which could mean that this baby is a - blood type like me! Guess we will find out in December. As I delivered early last time, the OBGYN gave me the shot early. If I go full term I will have to get another shot as they only last 12 weeks(it will take me to 37 weeks) This is my first reality check that my type A personality, will not get to plan Baby B's arrival.
Check back for a separate blog post on Baby B's name! I cant keep it a secret anymore and well Ela never has kept it a secret!
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