Monday, August 6, 2012

SuperWoman vs. SuperMom

The Great Debate....
Some days trying to be super mom is harder than others! Like so many other Mommy's out there working full time, taking care of the baby(s), being a wife, cooking and housework, etc gets the best of me. I truly never understood and appreciated what my own mothers and grandmothers went through. Some days I start the day and wonder how I am ever going to be able to make it to dinner. On the flip side each day I always find something rewarding about being a mom. It could be the little smile, Ela learning a new word, hearing she had a good day at school, or even her saying "thank you" without being asked...the best being when she just walks up and plants a wet gooey kiss on my cheek.

I never thought being a mom would be so hard at times( Parenting Fail #1 and Parenting Fail #2 ), and yet I never imagined it to be so rewarding. Just when I think that I cant handle anymore, I can. In the evening I look forward to a few minutes to myself when Ela goes to bed...and then 15 minutes later I sneak into her room to watch her sleep. I have always been amazed how being pregnant my body took over, and even as a Mom I can figure out exactly what to do(most times).  I love being a mom and it has challenged me in so many ways;It has also rewarded and enriched my life so many more.

 I have begun to learn that it is OK to have days where I cant do it all. I CAN have days when the baby goes to bed and I pour a glass of wine, skip dinner and eat ice cream, and even days where the toys stay all of the floor until the next day.You might be thinking what is prompting this post...

Today is Operation Take Away Paci --Day# 1. This got me thinking: When Ela was a few weeks/months she would only sleep in the swing and I thought we would never get her in the crib, and then came the days when she would only sleep swaddled, and then the days she would only sleep with us....Get the point? We made it through all of them and it was all in the development necessary to make her sweet little self. All this reminiscing made me realize it is harder for ME to get rid of the Paci then for Ela; My little girl is not a baby if she does not use a paci anymore and in reality it makes life so much easier FOR ME! I guess its time for ME to get over it! Low and behold as I sit here and type this blog, I put on my SUPERMOM "cape". Ela is sleeping. We talked about it during dinner, as we bathed and then before bed. She cried for 10 minutes. I went into her room, she said "Melmo"(Elmo) and I let her watch Sesame Street.(She already learned how to bargain with me) I go back into her room 10 minutes later and she is fast asleep! This is just day #1 and I will probably have to wear my "cape" all week, but Mommy's sometimes have more super powers than we think ;)

So if you were in the grips of danger...Who would you want on your side?
 SuperWoman or SuperMom