Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Allergy Update

This past Tuesday we took Ela to an allergist after her allergic episode last week. I was pretty sure that it was the Sesame, but I was so nervous to feed her all weekend. Its crazy how I went from letting her try tons of new things to literally staring at her while she ate EVERYTHING! Tomasz flew home for the day to come with me because the testing involved a series of 20 small "pinches/pricks". I knew Ela was not going to like it.

They tested her for all types of nuts, pets, shellfish, and outdoor allergens such as pollen, ragweed etc. They do the pinches and she can not move or scratch them for 15 minutes while they react. She HATED life! Within 1 minute we saw one arm get a bunch of the little reaction bumps so we knew she was allergic to something. Anyone want to take a guess.....

The unlucky winners are....
*All Nuts with the exception
of hazelnut,cashews and pistachios.
*DOGS!! - Where did this one come from?
Not sure if you remember but last year around this time Ela had eczema all over her body that would not go away. When we moved from our apartment in Manhattan to Brooklyn, the eczema went away. The only catch was is Ozzy dog did too! :( We were not sure if it was the water in the apartment or the dog. I guess we have our answer now. I at least feel good knowing Ozzy has a good home.

In an effort to be positive, at least we know what she is allergic to and can manage it. I try to put myself in other mothers shoe's and I know Ela could be alot worse off  with other diseases or illnesses. A few small life changes and she wont even know the difference. The doctor encouraged us to feed her the nuts that she is not allergic to, not only to help her allergy but to prevent allergies to those in particular. She offered to let us give them to her in her office over the summer.(Yes, I want supervision) Every year we will test Ela and hopefully she will out grow her allergies. (25% of children do outgrow the allergy- yes i googled it)

On a lighter note, here are two random pictures. On the way home Ela was out of it,dazed in the car seat. We always look at her baby pictures(not that she is that big now), and say how it does not even look like her. This is a priceless  face that she made at 1 month and then again at 14 months. Even the hands were the same!

Maybe I should change my blog to say something than "Our little PEANUT is here" ....Just kidding!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe she is allergic to dogs!! That's crazy but I'm glad you found out poor little girl. When she was here at our house did she break out, I don't remember?
