Sunday, September 29, 2013

10 Things NOT to say to Pregnant Woman!

Most of you reading this are probably pregnant, have been pregnant, or going to be pregnant soon.(If you don't fall into the above, it might boring reading, but thank you anyway) I am sure once or twice someone has said something that just made you cringe while pregnant.  Here are some actual things that people have said recently. Surprisingly, most of the time in my case it has been woman!

1. Oh WOW! Any day now right?
No actually, I am only 7 months. 

2. After I respond to #1.... Oh really? You look like you are 9 months!
Thanks for reminding me. You are so kind to compliment me for how healthy my growing child is.

3. Are you sure you don't want more food? You ARE eating for TWO?
One day I was at Fairway at one of the "Create your own salad bars". The woman turned to me and asked if that was all I was going to eat? First, thank you for noticing the basketball I was smuggling under my shirt and second.... NO! I am lucky I can force anything down, with the fire burning in my chest, my child using my bladder as a bench, and my ribs a a footrest.

4. You look tired, are you having trouble sleeping?
What gave away the fact I am tired\? Was it the bags under my eyes, the coffee in my hand, or are you just trying to make conversation?

5. Your pregnant? Should you be drinking coffee?
Do I know you? First, how do you know this is not decaf in my cup? Second, this is coffee WITH caffeine, and if you had a toddler, got not sleep and could not function, you would have a small cup of coffee too. Didn't you just tell me I looked tired?

6. Are you ready for the delivery? Are you scared?
Well even if I was, this baby can not stay inside forever!

7. Your having two girls? Oh jeez wait until the teenage years? Good Luck.<insert sympathy look> Are you going to try for a boy?
Yes, two girls might be a handful, but don't forget how much joy they will bring to my life. Have you ever thought about how raising two little boys will be, one of each... They all have their own trouble. No, we are not trying for more but thanks for asking.

8. I didn't know you were pregnant. When did this happen?
Well secrets out... That's not a basketball in there. Next time you wonder if someone is pregnant you should silently count back 9 months in your head instead of making both of us feel uncomfortable.

9. After telling work/friends I was pregnant the response was.... Yes I could tell you were looking a little heavier lately.
 JUST KIDDING! Wouldn't that be funny. But no really. Thanks, I appreciate your honesty. 

10. Don't stress... I am sure you are just emotional lately.
You want to see emotional...I'll give you emotional. I am actually like this all the time, I am just too tired to refrain myself currently. 

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