Julia is such a smiley little bundle of joy. 9 times out of 10 she is grinning at you. The only time she is fussy is when she is hungry(duh, who wouldn't be). By the looks of her chunky self, breastfeeding is still going strong even though we had a few bumps in the road.
15 pounds even
25.5 inches long
16 inches head
Whats New?
*Rolling front to back/back to front
*Inching forward, legs half up. I suspect we will have
a crawler by the 7 month update.
*No more swaddle
*Knows her name
* Follows voices around the room
*"Talks" more and more
*Loving Tummy Time
*We had two "almost" waves. Buh Buh
*Sleeping in the crib
*First real food. Bananas, blueberries,
carrots and sweet potatoes
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She has not had her first Halloween yet... Poor second kid hand-me-downs! |
* Hanging out in a swimming pool
* First taste of an ice-pop. Thanks to big sister! Oops
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I turned around and it was in Julia's mouth too! Whoops! |
The funniest part of Julia is the way she sleeps. She has always been a good sleeper from the beginning and can literally sleep through anything! Although the crib/no swaddle transition has proved otherwise but we are ready for our good sleeper to come back!
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