Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How being "Type A" possibly saved my life

I debated on whether to write this post. This blog has been my family's journeys for the past 4 years. The good(mostly) and some of the bad. So I decided to write about it.One day many years from now I will read this and remember how I felt. Now what do I call the post? Only after visiting the doctor, did it come to me.

There is really no way to say this and make it  pretty, so I will just say it. Exactly two weeks ago today I was diagnosed with a blood clot in my brain. Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis to be exact. This form of a blood clot is extremely rare and effects 5 people out of every 1 million. In 2012, Hillary Clinton was diagnosed with one and fully recovered.

This is a picture of the venous system in the
 back of the brain. The area that is not white is the clot.
 *Not my brain; just a picture

What Happened?
Mother's day was wonderful. Actually Tomasz had a great weekend planned and I got to spoil myself a little. Mother's day weekend always happens to fall around our anniversary as we got married on Mothers day.I had a great weekend, but Monday at work I started to feel ill. I had a headache and thought maybe I had too much wine the day before. Later in the day I had some random tingling in my arm. I ignored it, and went to bed that night. Tomasz was traveling for work.The next morning I had tingling in my arm and leg. I went to the doctor and was told to go to the Neurologist with instructions that if I could not find one go to the  ER. I called many Neurologists and finally found one that said I could come and wait in the office. If she had a break she would see me. I came in and she looked at me, and saw me right away. I was sent for an MRI of my brain. I had a series of three MRI's scheduled which take 30-35 minutes each. That means no moving for 90 min. In the middle of the second one, my whole body went numb and I had to stop. The technician said don't worry the last one is the least common place where clots would form; come back tomorrow. I woke up Wednesday and headed to work. I was in a meeting and all of a sudden I had no feeling on my whole left side. I got scared and immediately went to the Emergency Room. By the time I arrived I could barely walk. I had some blood-work and another MRI. My Magnisum was low. While laying in the bed, I googled signs of low Magniusm; numbness was a sign. I got an IV and expected to be sent home shortly.Problem Solved. I had been in hospital for 7 hours already and assumed no news was good news about the MRI. And then my heart sunk. The hospital actually paged my neurologist and she came to the hospital to inform me that I had a small 3mm clot in the left side of the veins in my brain. (These are the veins that remove  blood from the brain along the side of your neck). I was told I would be sent home(what???) with blood thinner injections and in a few weeks I would have a follow up MRI. I begged to stay in the hospital. They assured me that I was healthy, and that with thinners my trusty body would re-absorb my clot. The risks of contracting a disease were higher than something happening at home.I opted for the injections vs. a pill as they were safe for breastfeeding. It is extremely important to me to breastfeed, and all my doctors agreed if it made me happy I should continue. I practiced giving an orange injections and  then gave myself the first dose of Lovenox in my belly. Its good I have a little extra postpartum cushion left over!

What was the cause?
Right now we don't know the cause. CVST is common in  postpartum women, although I am a little far  postpartum. They have not ruled it out. Another risk factor is birth control. I had a Mirena inserted after having Julia. I've never felt right on it since day one.I actually had an appointment the following Monday to have it removed unknowing of the clot.Finally, I went to the hematologist today for extensive blood testing. This will rule out or determine if I have an underlying clotting disorder.

My Emotions
Over the past two weeks, I have had so many emotions. First was "why me"? Why did I get this, and why such a rare disease at that. Then the "why me"? Why did I have symptoms and catch it early instead of having a stroke? I go back and forth. As bad as this is, I am lucky that it is SMALL and I caught it early. Did I do something to cause this? My girls; this has been the hardest part. I came home and would cry looking at them. I could not think about not raising them. The first two nights at home, Tomasz was my rock. In my head I thought if I went to sleep something would happen. After much anxiety and tears, Tomasz talked to me until I crashed from exhaustion. God(and Julia) must have known how bad I needed the sleep because both girls slept through the night.

So after all this how did being "Type A" possibly save my life?
I googled " Best Hematologist in NYC" the day after I found out. I found a doctor that had many articles published, positive reviews, and was basically amazing. It took two weeks to be seen. It would have been longer if I had not explained my situation(and begged). So flash forward to today and I am sitting in his office. He comes in and looks at me and asks if I am in the wrong place. He goes on to say I am one of the youngest patients he has seen in a while. By the looks of the waiting room, he was not kidding. I tell him my story and he states that I am the first patient he has seen with CVST. He then asks how I found him. I told him my Google story. He goes on to say, you probably Google diagnosed yourself prior to even going to the hospital right? I look down embarrassed; doctors probably hate patients like me. Yes, err... I mean kind of. He asked why I turned to Google. I explained I had to know what was wrong and the causes and basically I am very Type A. He laughed and said being Type A probably saved your life. I am very glad I am in touch with my body as well as knowing when its reached its threshold. I also have learned in the past to trust my "Mom Gut". I also had been chalking up random symptoms like headaches and neck pain to being postpartum and tired.

Whats next?
Next week I get the blood-work results back. In mid June, I have a repeat MRI to see if the clot dissolved. By Saturday of this week the numbness had faded for the most part. Sunday was the first day I felt normal. No headaches, no numbness. Just a sore belly from the injections. I will take that any day. Breastfeeding is going great and I snuggle my girls and hubby a little extra each day. I pray to God to keep me healthy and thank him for keeping me alive.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How I Met Your Father...

I am(was) a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother. Its very neat to see a show that chronicles how ones' paths could cross. More often than not, I am sure this happens to many of us.

And this girls.... is how I met your Father. <ba baba ba baba baba)

Girls weekend 2008 in Vegas with one of my good girlfriends Susan (over at Real Life Travels). Instead of conquering Vegas as we had planned to, it conquered us, and I was headed home. I had not showered in 24 hours. On that flight home girls, I met your father in all my hungover glory. If you meet a man when you are at your worst, you know he is really interested. We had alot in common and chatted the whole flight. He never got my phone number, but invited me to go flying with him. After an awkward goodbye, I called my sister and said " I just met my future husband and will never see him again". Thank goodness for technology and social media. Six hours later as I was searching for him on Facebook, I received a message. " I know I never got your phone number, and you dont have to say yes, but I would like to take you flying. Here is my phone number" I replied back saying " I dont call boys and gave him my phone number". 15 minutes later my phone rang.

And so came our first date...
Dont let the smile fool you, I was scared!

And many more after that. In 2009 we were engaged.

Rainiest, ugliest, but best day. The man had a plan and stuck
to it, even in the rain!

In 2010 we were married

And in 2011 and 2013 we brought our two beautiful girls into this world. 

Julia's Baptism- Ela 3 years Julia 3 months

On Friday, we celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary. Dare I say the old cliche that time really does fly by? We have been through so much together and accomplished so much for our family and careers.

As much as he drives me nuts, I love him that much  more. ( I am sure I drive him equally, if not more nuts)

 I get frustrated when he pushes me hard to accomplish my goals,
 but I know he does it because he believes in me. When I want to give up, he wont let me. 

Even though I hate to admit it, he does make me laugh; even the times when I don't want to.

 No one will deny that he is full of passion. The same passion that sometimes drives me crazy is what landed him his dream job.

He is also equally passionate about having fun and traveling; the thing I love best about him.
 He is such a dreamer...

 He is a wonderful father to our girls. I swear it was meant for him to have two little girls because they already have him wrapped around his finger. He is gentle and sweet with them and they get lots of love from him.

We have never been the couple that says "I love you" all the time, but rather show me that you love me people. I highly suggest all couples read the 5 Love Languages. Looking back at the pictures today I would say our love has grown in many ways; figuratively and literally.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Julia- 5 months

Another Month older means the harder it gets to take the milestone pictures!

First project at school. 

 Whats New this Month?
* Close to 14 pounds. Girl LOVES her food!
* She is a lean mean rolling machine. 
* She smiles and belly laughs at everyone she sees.
* She grabs; Her favorite thing is mommy's hair
* She is trying to get a tooth in the worst way. She has little raw spots all over her fingers.

*She plays with sister; slightly obsessed with her actually

*Loves sitting in the walker to stare at the world.

*First Time being sick...bound to happen
RSV= Old Lady Cough
* It looks like her eyes are going to stay BLUE!
I could stare at them all day. This is quite the surprise 
considering they were black when she was born.

*First Easter - Mommy loves having little girls if you could not tell.

*And probably the best little quality is that she is the ultimate cuddler!

*First feeding by BIG sister

And one just for fun. A good caption would be set to a Juvinelle Song..."Back that Thang up"

Girl loves to stand!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The Little Things In Life..

Its the little things in life that get you through the big things.
 I wish as adults we could take lessons from our kids; The little things are the ones that matter.

We were taking a family walk the other day and I asked Ela what she wanted for dinner. She replied "Hold on Mommy I am listening to the birds sing". I kept walking. A few minutes later, I did hear the birds. I thought to myself, unless Ela mentioned the birds I would have kept walking not even noticing the birds were chirping.

Tomasz has been working the overnights. Flying the last flight of the night out and the first flight back in the morning. He is home all day but gone three nights a week. This works out great for our family. On Tuesday I woke up to Ela in my bed. I don't remember hearing her come in, but she sure did make herself cozy on her  Tata's side of the bed. In the morning I asked her why she came in Mommy's bed. She replied. "Because your my Mommy, I love you, and I missed you when I was sleeping".

Yes it is just the little things.... Oh and these sweet baby laughs. The joy that fills my heart seeing my two girls playing is more than just a little thing!