Monday, February 20, 2012

These are a few of my favorite things...

I feel like she just turned a year...and yet she is another month older. Time seems to be flying by too fast. Unfortunately lately all we have done is get sick and try to recover. Its funny because last Feb was very rough for us between the colic and excema...Maybe it is February thing. Ela started daycare and LOVES it! Let's just say daycare did not reciprocate the first few weeks. Three days into starting she brought a tummy bug home which I got too. Then it turned into a cold/ flu type thing that lasted 3+ weeks. I think we have gone to the doctor 4 times and the ER once. It's has been especially hard because it is just the two of us. Tomasz has been in training for his new job for the past few weeks. That's what you call perfect timing folks! ;) Overall daycare has been wonderful for her. Her teachers say she smiles all day and runs up to everyone to hug and kiss them. She cried a few days when I picked her up. The socialization aspect has been wonderful and she has talked so much more since going to daycare.

I like to think of myself as a positive person so over the past few weeks although it has been mostly tissues,vapor rub, load after load of wash, and sniffles there were some great moments. Ela is getting smarter and smarter each day....and a COPY CAT at that!

Here are some of my favorite moments:

* When Ela was coughing or had a tummy ache I would rub her back. I had her in bed with me one night and I started coughing. Within 10 seconds she was rubbing my arm. Talk about melt MY heart!
* When I had the tummy bug and was getting sick, Ela imitated me getting sick and giggled hysterical. That was probably the only thing in that moment that could make me smile.
*She is obsessed with brushing her teeth. Every morning she watches me brush mine and I have an electric toothbrush. Recently she started going "brzzzz brzzz" when she brushes hers. I guess she thinks it is me making the noise and not my tooth brush.
*She points to everything. She even had me follow her all the way back to the kitchen to point to the cheesecake. ;) - she takes after many members of her family on this one!
*She told me "no no no" when I tried to feed her a meatball. Currently she is a self made vegatarian.
*Cousin Charlie came to visit. Ela saw him in the Bumbo where I used to feed her. She went over to him with pinched fingers and put her hand to his mouth and said "umm" trying to feed him.
*When we get in the bath at night. Her hands automatically go to her head and like she is washing her hair. Then I let out the tub and she waves bye bye each time.
*When she really likes a food. She shakes her head yes.
*Tomasz came home for the night to take me out for Vday. He met us at the doctors office. When Ela saw him she did a double take and then ran up to him and said "hiiiii". Such a sweet moment.
*She points the remote at the TV to try to change the channel.
*I dropped her at daycare the other day and Jake was standing by the door. Ela gets a running start and pushes him. I felt so bad. The teachers said Ela hugs all the other boys in the class(She is one of two girls) but she always fights with Jake. I guess she learned to flirt at an early age ;)
* She tickles everyone she comes up to with her little fingers and her sweet little voice saying "tickle tickle tickle"
*Every time I get a text message, she stops what she is doing and looks for my phone.

Sorry if you fell asleep listening to the past few weeks in the life of Ela. I wanted to be able to write all of these things down so I don't forget. Its amazing how I look back at pictures from 5-6 months or even last month and don't really remember the little things. This is such a fun age...the only problem is I really have to watch what I do and say now!

Here are a few pictures:

First Day of Daycare getting ready with supplies.
Snugging with Cousin Charlie


Sliding like a big girl!

She will not have any cavities! She LOVES brushing her teeth.

She just learned how to use the fork to eat. Its like using chopsticks! Takes forever!
Until next time... A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future.  ~Author Unknown