Yes, it is bound to happen and I am way sure that I am beyond #2 at this point (probably closer to #15) but this is the only one that I have had the time or energy to blog about recently.
Ela started daycare last week which she loves! Great news....until daycare got the best of her and she got a bad stomach bug, which happened to be the week Tomasz started his new job and would be out of town for 6 weeks. And in good fashion of perfect timing I got sick and then we both ended up with colds at the end of the virus.(which we are still fighting) If I have not painted a good enough portrait of the parenting fail let me paint a better picture: Lots of germs,no sleep,8 loads of wash,stuck in the house for 5 days straight, and two sick cranky girls.
Last night Ela woke up from coughing and was fussing in the crib around 2am. Like usual before I would go into her room, I waited to see if she would stop crying which she did rather quickly. (Very surprising from my vocal daughter). While laying in bed I then thought I heard her throw her paci on the floor, and then again and again. Thinking that's impossible for her to pick up and throw the paci three times I go in and check on her. I turn on the light and see her in the crib along with nail clippers, diapers, wipes, Desitin and vapor rub which was open and all over. The noise I heard was her reaching her arm around her crib and into the changing table to grab her diaper changing items. She opened the vapor rub, and after tasting it applied it to her chest and nose just like mommy. Obviously she does not know how to read yet, but if she did then she would have read to use it sparingly as needed. THE WHOLE 3oz JAR WAS ON HER FACE AND CHEST! I wish I would have thought to take a picture because honestly it was the cutest thing ever seeing a baby sitting in the crib with huge blobs of vapor rub on her nose and all over her jammies, but I was so worried that she ate it. After calling the hubby and deciding to call the poison control center, we learned she was going to be ok and most likely did not eat alot. I wiped out her mouth and had her drink water. I was told to keep her up for an hour to make sure she was not chocking or having a problem swallowing. Needless to say she did not fall asleep again until 10 minutes before we left for daycare...but she did take a 3 hour nap today.
Things I learned:
- I do not give my Ela enough credit for how smart she is. How does she know to put it not only vapor rub on her chest but the "little" dab that I always put on her nose?
- She clearly does not value sleep yet...I will remind her of this in a few years.
- Childproofing is never over...Why do they make changing tables attached to cribs if babies can reach it?
- The Poison Control Center is super friendly, and answer on the first ring. Not only so helpful and informative but non-judgmental to boot.
- Ela has an ability to make me melt even when she is getting in trouble :)