Monday, January 23, 2012

Parenting Fail #2

Yes, it is bound to happen and I am way sure that I am beyond #2 at this point (probably closer to #15) but this is the only one that I have had the time or energy to blog about recently.

Ela started daycare last week which she loves! Great news....until daycare got the best of her and she got a bad stomach bug, which happened to be the week Tomasz started his new job and would be out of town for 6 weeks. And in good fashion of perfect timing I got sick and then we both ended up with colds at the end of the virus.(which we are still fighting) If I have not painted a good enough portrait of the parenting fail let me paint a better picture: Lots of germs,no sleep,8 loads of wash,stuck in the house for 5 days straight, and two sick cranky girls.

Last night Ela woke up from coughing and was fussing in the crib around 2am. Like usual before I would go into her room, I waited to see if she would stop crying which she did rather quickly. (Very surprising from my vocal daughter). While laying in bed I then thought I heard her throw her paci on the floor, and then again and again. Thinking that's impossible for her to pick up and throw the paci three times I go in and check on her. I turn on the light and see her in the crib along with nail clippers, diapers, wipes, Desitin and vapor rub which was open and all over. The noise I heard was her reaching her arm around her crib and into the changing table to grab her diaper changing items. She opened the vapor rub, and after tasting it applied it to her chest and nose just like mommy. Obviously she does not know how to read yet, but if she did then she would have read to use it sparingly as needed. THE WHOLE 3oz  JAR WAS ON HER FACE AND CHEST! I wish I would have thought to take a picture because honestly it was the cutest thing ever seeing a baby sitting in the crib with huge blobs of vapor rub on her nose and all over her jammies, but I was so worried that she ate it. After calling the hubby and deciding to call the poison control center,  we learned she was going to be ok and most likely did not eat alot. I wiped out her mouth and had her drink water. I was told to keep her up for an hour to make sure she was not chocking or having a problem swallowing. Needless to say she did not fall asleep again until 10 minutes before we left for daycare...but she did take a 3 hour nap today.

Things I learned:
  • I do not give my Ela enough credit for how smart she is. How does she know to put it not only vapor rub on her chest but the "little" dab that I always put on her nose?
  • She clearly does not value sleep yet...I will remind her of this in a few years.
  • Childproofing is never over...Why do they make changing tables attached to cribs if babies can reach it?
  • The Poison Control Center is super friendly, and answer on the first ring. Not only so helpful and informative but non-judgmental to boot.
  • Ela has an ability to make me melt even when she is getting in trouble :)
This wont be the last and I certainly not the first time where I felt like the worst parent ever! How was I supposed to know my daughter has GO-GO Gadget arms?

One Year Older...One Year Wiser

As you all know my little baby turned on about two weeks ago. I knew this day was going to come since the day I got pregnant and even when she was born, I just did not think it would go by so fast. I will admit I was sad for her to turn one, I think most parents can relate. I know it has only been two weeks but I am starting to learn it might not be so bad that she is a "toddler"(can't believe I actually called her that). The other day I was sitting on the couch after I gave her bottle to drink. When she was born I would nurse her (which I loved for the bonding time) or feed her a bottle. Flash forward to January 2012 and my little lady sees the bottle, runs to her blanket and pillow and lays down and feeds her self.When she was done she got up ran over to me and hugged my leg. I just smiled and first though wow, is this my affectionate baby??...Then I realized the cute little one week old helpless baby that she used to be could not show me how much she loved me. I guess its not so bad she is getting old it just means she is getting smarter and growing and can show me so many more things in life. So it got me thinking what did I learn over the past year?....

  • You never truly know how much you can love your child...nor can you explain it.
  • Her smile or for that matter ANY babies smile can brighten my day.
  • Being a mother is quite possibly the hardest job in the world.
  • Target brand diapers cause major diaper rash!
  • Yes, it IS humanly possible to projectile spit up 3 feet
  • I can survive on 6 hours of sleep and actually feel worse when I sleep 8+
  • "Mama" in that sweet little high pitched voice is the best word ever
  • Just when you get somewhere in public your baby will poop or fall asleep
  • Colic is not a myth, i promise
  • Diapers that don't fit make for a big mess!
  • Open mouth sloppy wet kisses are worth the gooey mess all over your face.
  • Lotion is my best ali against eczema when used daily.
  • The "rurtrouh" face is learned at an early age( i'm in trouble face)
  • Seeing the world through your babies eyes brings you back to the basics
  • Whatever you leave out will either get put in your babies mouth or be hidden.
  • Boxes are much more fun than toys.
  • Even at my worst/hardest times, Ela probably wont remember- Thank God!
So over the past year, who got wiser? Both of us. Although she has become such a smart little lady, I never thought I would learn as much as I did from her this year or about myself. I can not wait to see what a beautiful young girl she becomes. To make sure that I remember all of these little moments, I am going to write a letter to Ela every year on her birthday letting her know how proud of her I am and how much she is growing. (I got the idea from a mommy friend) When she is 18 I will give her the letters for her to read and keep.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I have a 1 year Old...Little Girl

Just as fast as the time went that I was pregnant, my little baby is ONE! I look at her sometimes and can't believe she is ours. Looking at her she has different features of both of us but I just still cant comprehend this perfect(when she is not up to trouble) little girl was made by us. She has also taught and is still teaching us the important lesson of patience. Especially at the beginning she was a tough one!She also teaches me how wonderful life is. After all of her eczema and colic problems went away she has been the happiest baby. She waves at everyone she sees, is so inquisitive about everything and smiles ALL the time. It puts things back into perspective that it's the little things that matter.
As many of you know and have followed,I succeeded in getting a monthly picture of Ela to watch her grow. My little 6.7pound, 21 inch baby is now a 19.13pound,29 inch baby. As far as the growth charts go, she is a little squirt in the 30th percentile, but has the biggest heart.

Check out the past year:

She stole our hearts!

1 Month- Getting used to the world
2 Months- Started to hold my head

3 months was rough...Colic and Eczema
4 months-Started eating solids...Pears were first!

5 months- Learned to sit by herself

6 months- Crawled 4 days before her 6 month birthday!

7 months- Just a happy lil terror!

8 months- Cruising along the furniture

9 months- I started walking 2 days before my 10 month birthday!

10 months-Oh the trouble!

11 Months- Merry Christmas!


It's been such an eventful, happy, rewarding year which has made all the hard times that much easier. I can't wait to see what she will do her the next year of life.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Hello 2012!


I can't believe that the year is over and another year has begun.This year has flown by so fast but yet has been a long year at times. The first few months adjusting to parenthood and a colicy and excema ridden baby were hard, but seeing her smile each day makes you quickly forget. Our little girl is soon to be a toddler and is so strong and happy. She is always smiling and just simply LOVES life. Our family has been very blessed this year! We had a baby who we never imagined we could love so much, and after much hard work and patience Tomasz got a job as a First Officer for Continental.I am so excited to see what 2012 has in store for us!

 Here is the final milestone picture:

We had a very busy and fun holiday season! We had Christmas Eve in Brooklyn so Ela could be home to open presents early Christmas morning! You would have thought this was her second Christmas as she was a pro at opening presents! She got SO many toys(although sometimes the boxes were the most fun)...Mommy and Tata wished Santa brought us some Advil!  Between Christmas and her Birthday right around the corner Ela is going to expect presents every month! She has so much fun!
Christmas Eve dinner

Great Grandma, Jessi and Ela

She is our little present!

Enjoying her new chair!

She had the right idea to make
 coffee early in the morning!

Ela's new chair from Great Grandma
 and bench from Grandma Susan.
On Christmas Day we were so happy to have Tomasz's parents fly in early in the morning join us at Church and then all head out to Long Island for a Family Dinner. It was such a nice day. Grandma Claire cooked a wonderful dinner and it was great to spend the day with family!
After Church!

Merry Christmas Mamma!

Merry Christmas Tata!

Hi Great Grandma!
 Two days after Christmas we packed up and headed to GA. Ela had a little cold over Christmas and we were a little worried about traveling, but after clearance from the doctor we were ready to go. The flight there was a little rough but we had a great time in Georgia. We got to see all of our family, Tomasz and I got some relaxation time, and we even had a little pre- birthday party for Ela! It was a great end to 2011 and start of 2012.
Uncle Stephen gives the best
horsey rides!

I know what Ela is getting next Christmas!
Cousin Love! Be nice Ela!
More Cousin Love! Victoria reading a book to
baby Ela!

Happy Early Birthday Ela. A sneak peek of the 1
year birthday post! She LOVES cake!
Tomasz and I on New Years! Out by ourselves
with Lauren and Iman

Fun on New Years after a relaxing day of

As you can imagine...Ela was
exhausted after a long week!

Ela's birthday is in 4 days and Tomasz's is in 6 days!See you in a few days for the 1 year Birthday post!  I am still in shock my little Ela is going to be 1 years old! I could not be more proud of her already!