Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sweet Summer!

Summer has been so much fun with Ela! She is at such a fun age where she plays all day and she has SO much personality! We are just soaking up each day! We took Ela to get her 6 month pictures last Saturday....Attempt #1 not so successful. Latley she has been having separation anxiety from Mom and Dad but this was allot more.She screamed the moment we put her in the photography studio. I think that she was scared of the cameras etc. Today we took her back and she was very hesitant but warmed up at the end. Tomasz made her laugh at the end. Check out the pictures!

Here are some home shots. I was trying to take my monthly picture and it was SO hard! We finally got a few but boy was it tough!

As you can see Ela is getting so big! We had our 6 month doctor's appointment on Thursday.We don't go back to the doctor until 9 months old. Secretly Tomasz and I like going more frequently to pick her brain with a million questions!

Here's the stats:
 15.1 pds (33% percentile)
25 3/4 inches (67% percentile)
 40 inch head (50% percentile)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to Ela! -6 months old

I can not believe that I am typing a 6 month blog post. Today I was looking back through the previous posts pertaining to our pregnancy and I was so excited for her to come that I never thought about her already being 6 months. At times I never thought I would make it to 6 months, and then at times I don't want her to be 6 months and I want her to stay a little newborn forever! It has been very rewarding up until now and it feels like every day she is learning something new! She has been sitting up for almost 3 weeks and last week went from a military crawl to up on all 4's inching away!
We go to the pediatrician on Thursday for the 6th month check up. Tomasz and I are trying to guess how much she weighs. Since she is constantly a hungry girl we got the go ahead to start her on solids at 4 months. We started with rice cereal in a bottle with breast milk and now she eats about 2 small jars of fruit a day. Her favorite is definitely BANANAS!

Check out some pics from the last month. And as promised and keeping with tradition the 5 month picture!

 Copying Mommy!
The first time Ela sat by herself-- June 25th

That's all for now...I will try to update before another month passes.