Friday, January 21, 2011

Family Life

We have a new name for our blog! I was having a hard time thinking of a  name, but this was a quote that was on the wall in the hospital and I think that it is so fitting! Plus now that I am not pregnant the thought of pickles and a few other "I must-have-it" preganancy foods repulse me! I even do not have much of a taste for ice cream.( I am sure that one will come back quickly though.)

I think that we are finally starting to get adjusted to life with three. We love our little girl so much it is indescribable!  It is getting easier and easier as each day goes on as far as her sleeping and feeding schedule. Trust me over the past week we have had many sleepless nights but the old addage to "Sleep while she is sleeping" is the best advice that we have taken. That is sometimes the only time that we get any sleep.I think that it will be easy to loose the pregnancy weight becuase everytime I go to eat Ela cries to be fed or changed. If this keeps up, I will disapear by summer. Either way we are enjoying every minute of being parents. She makes the cutest faces, and smiles when you rub her face and even how cute she is when she scares herself when she burps!

Ela's Bathtime

For all of the fellow moms to be, this is a great article on Breast Feeding.(Thanks Lisa)
Ela and I are finally getting the hang of breast feeding! It was very hard the first few days for the both of us. Once I started making milk it was all smooth sailing from there. Not only is it benefical to mom and baby, but it is great bonding with little Ela!

"The World Health Organization and American Academy of Pediatrics recommend exclusive breastfeeding for first 6 months because it benefits babies and mothers. Breast milk contains antibodies, which can protect babies from ear infections, digestive problems, and severe lung infections. Studies also suggest it protect babies against sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), diabetes, obesity and asthma. Moms also benefit, according to a report issued by Benjamin’s predecessor, former acting Surgeon General Dr. Steven Galson, which says breastfeeding benefits for moms include “reduced risk for type 2 diabetes, as well as breast and ovarian cancers.”

 And what would a day be without a few more pictures.....

 Ela got to meet her Babcia(Grandma) and Dziadek(Grandpa) this weekend! She is so lucky to have Grandparents that love her so much! She just has to meet Grandma Susan now! (In a few weeks) On Sunday, Ela will get to meet both of her Great Grandma's at once. It is a rare occurance that a child gets to meet a great grandma no less two. We can not wait!
More to come later. We are enjoying our time with the little one. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Our Family!


We are finally adjusting to life with the three of us. The first few days were really hard, but each day it is getting easier and easier. Ela is a great baby and really only cries when she is hungry or wet. We have been very lucky in that respect. She sleeps, eats, wets, sleeps, eats, wets. Pretty boring life but we love just looking at her while she is sleeping. She is so peaceful. We are excited for the rest of her family to meet her!
Check out some pictures.

Happy Birthday Ela!

The last time that we updated the blog, we were two. Now we are so happy that our family is three.(Four with Ozzy). We could not be happier, being a parent is WONDERFUL and she amazes us each day. Looks like we have to come up with a new name for our blog!

We went to the hospital on the 11th at around 6pm and Jessi started to get induced. The inducement process is kind of a long one, by giving medication both externally and intravenously. Around 9:30 Jessi started the labor process and started feeling contractions. The contractions were pretty regular and lasted well through the night becoming stronger and more painful. Jessi went until 2 am without pain medication and then took some morphine through an IV. Well for never have taken morphine, Tomasz can atest that was probably the worst part of the pregnancy as Jessi woke up and did not know where she was and was very sick. After the morphine wore off Jessi felt much better(ironic right). At around 12pm Dr Kanos came in and determined Jessi was only 2 cm dilated. How frustrating! Jessi cried because Dr. Kanos told us it could be a long day. We watched the snow fall and watched game shows with the nurses all morning trying to pass the time. At around 1pm Jessi decided to take the Epidural. The pain was not unbearable but the doctor did not want her to get tie rd trying to put up with the contractions, but to save her energy to push. The epidural was a breeze! Tomasz left the room and after signing her life away they gave the epidural and it was smooth sailing from then on out! Around 3pm Dr. Kanos came in the room and Jessi was fully dilated! He said he was going to come back in at 3:30 and we were going to push. We looked at eachother and both of us all of a sudden got very nervous( Probably Tomasz more than Jessi).

View From our Hospital Room- She was born during a snow storm!

Jessi started pushing around 3:50. The first push the doctor said "Start Breathing". Next thing you know you hear Tomasz breathing rhythmically. It defiantly gave all of us in the delivery room a good laugh. (*Note at this point Tomasz was white as a ghost with red eyes). We will spare the majority of the details, although there was not many but after 20 minutes and 5 contractions Ela was born into this world!
From Jessi's perspective, she said all she remembers is the doctor saying "open your eyes so you can see your baby girl when I place her on your belly". From Tomasz's perspective he said that he was trying not to focus on everything that was going on so he kept focusing on the heart rate monitor and when the monitor went to zero he knew Ela was born. Dr. Kanos said Jessi had such an easy delivery becuase she was so active and in shape. He also said that she was meant to have babies and if we have another baby she needs to come to the hospital as soon as she has a contraction or the baby will fall out! :)

Elizabeth Sofia Baran
1/12/11 4:12 pm
6.78 pounds

We love her so much! It is the best feeling in the world!

Here are a few shots coming home from the hospital:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I am SO excited!!

So the purpose of this blog is to distract myself from the pure excitment and anxiety of the fact that I am going to be enduced at 6pm today. We have been going back and forth with the doctor and the blood pressure and everything else. I went in for the biophysical sonogram yesterday and Ela is doing great! She already weighs 6.8 pounds and her head measures 9.3 inches. If I kept her full term that would be one big baby! That was the easy part. I then went for a non-stress test to see how her heart beat was etc. When they took my blood pressure it was 134/97. Sure enough I ended up in Triage again...they would not even let me leave the hospital to eat! I had been waiting since 11am and was so mad at 3:30pm when I went upstairs and sat in triage for a few hours hungry! As expected, after resting in the bed for 2 hours the blood pressure got better. The nurses were joking around with me and Tomasz saying that we were "frequent flyers" and we should start to earn miles off of our trips there! The resident doctor sent me home and said tommorrow talk with your doctor regarding induction as Ela is great and then next three weeks would involve a trip to the hospital for me for non-stress testing due to the blood pressure getting progressivly higher. I am also begining to dialate and am 80% effaced. Sooo........ the doctor called this morning and schedule for me to be induced tonight at 6pm. 

Hearing the words that we were going to be parents tonight was crazy! We have been waiting for this for 9 months and as ready as I thought I was I am so scared. Tomasz has had butterflys in his stomach since we found out. When we got back inside the apartment, he starting packing up her baby bag for the hospital. This was  a very funny event to watch. He put in a couple of onsies a few blankets and then a thermometer, nailclipper, nose drain etc. I had to stop and remind him that we were going to the hospital and there is a small chance that they would have a thermometer ;) How cute!

Needless to say we are all ready and are SO EXCITED to meet our little Ela and have the newest edition of our family come home with us! Next time you check the blog we will have pictures up!

See you in a few hours Ela! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Snow Baby?!

Survived day 6 of bedrest....the good news is that it is working! I have actually been keeping myself pretty busy. Grandma Claire came out for a few days to stay with me while Tomasz was at work. We just watched TV and did small chores around the house. It was very relaxing and nice to have the company. Yesterday my cousin Melissa came into Manhattan with Uncle Mike to stay with me for the night. It was so good to catch up and just relax and eat pizza and ice cream with her. Tomasz was able to work his schedule this month so that when he is at work his layovers are in NYC. This enables him to come home while he is working to be with Ozzy and I and even get paid while he is home!
Among all of the visitors I had a few doctors appointments. I have been going to the doctor every two days to monitor my blood pressure, baby's heart rate and protein in my urine. Today my blood pressure went down to 134/89. Still a little high, but much better compared to the last visit of 140/99. The best rest is defiantly working. I have mixed emotions because I feel like I caused some of the blood pressure maybe working too much or being too active. The doctor said no matter what you do during pregnancy some women will get preclampsia or PIH.(Pregnancy Induced Hypertension). What I can do is monitor my salt intake and stay of my feet to reduce the effects that the blood pressure has on my body. None the less it is still great that everything is looking better. When I was weighed today I lost 4 pounds since last week. At first we were concerned, but the weight loss is probably due to excessive fluid that my body was retaining.-- Trust me, if you have been around me it is not due to a lack of eating. ;) I have gained a total of 26 pounds throughout the pregnancy thus far.
On Monday I will go for a biophysical sonogram as I will be 37 weeks pregnant. This sonogram will be able to monitor all of Ela's movements, amniotic fluid, muscle tone, and make sure she is where she is supposed to be as far as growth. After the sonogram, I go back to see Dr. Kanos and we will discuss the due date and where we go from this point. Tomasz asked alot of good questions while at the doctor...good thing because I went blank. One of which was if I go past my due date. Kanos said that there is no way that they will let me go past my due date and although my preclampsia has gone down to a milder case they will most likley induce me if the blood pressure stays where it is at. Tomasz also asked about how the blood pressure plays into the delivery as I would still like to have a natural delivery. Kanos said they monitor the blood pressure, and stress does not always make the pressure go up but it is an underlying thing in my body. He also said that they give magnesium through and IV which controls the pressure. Thank goodness for my worry wort husband....

More to come later. I am crossing my fingers that Dr. Kanos will deliver us on 1.11.11, but I doubt it because it is too soon. What a cool birthday that would have been for little Ela! :)

**Whats going on this week?!**

How far along? 36 Weeks-- Will be 37 on Sunday
Total weight gain: 26 pounds
Maternity clothes? Whatever is least bed rest accommodates the comfy clothes
Food Craving of the Week: Kiwi, back on the Falafel kick
Sleep: It never fails I wake up at 3 am each morning and am back to sleep by 5:30. Maybe that's Ela's sleep schedule.
Best moment this week: Seeing my cousin...Its been a while
Movement: Slowed down but still feel her.
Belly Button in or out? ummm...looks funny its an "ish"
What I miss: Believe it or not....Working
What I am looking forward to: Ela's Birthday
Weekly Wisdom:  Be in touch with your body
Milestones: I am full term at this point.

One more thing!...... Susan and Nate found out the sex of Baby K! They are expecting a little boy in June! I am so excited for them at that Ela will have a little boyfriend to play with :)
Check out Susan's blog.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Year -2010

  1. What did you do in 2010 that you’d never done before?
    So many things! One of the best highlights of the year was getting married. Of course being pregnant  has been wonderful and I am sure that Ela's birth will be the highlight of 2011. I also moved to NYC and although I was born and raised in NY, I have never lived in Manhattan before.
  2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

    I did not make new years resolutions last year. This year I want to be a great mom, and stay in shape after Ela arrives.
  3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

    No, I am looking forward to Susan giving birth to Baby K in June of 2011.
  4. Did anyone close to you die?

    No- I count my blessings everyday for all of my family and friends
  5. What countries did you visit?
    Italy and Switzerland for my honeymoon
  6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010?
    Baby Ela
  7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    • May 9th- My Wedding Day
    • May 25th- Amy's birthday/The day I found out we were pregnant
    • June 21st- Started a new job in NY with Archstone
    • September 9th- Found out we were having a little girl
  8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

    Sorry to be redundant, but geting married and starting a life with Tomasz. We set our goals and achieved them.
  9. What was your biggest failure?
    I can honestly say there is no failures this year that I can think of. Even if things did not go our way we found a way to figure it out.
  10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
    Not really, only some high blood pressure due to pegnancy at the very end of 2010.
  11. What was the best thing you bought?
    A new flat screen TV
  12. Where did most of your money go?
    Baby Stuff...FOR SURE!
  13. What did you get really excited about?
    Wedding, and Baby Ela
  14. What song will always remind you of 2010?
    Journey-Faithfully or :Empire State of Mind
  15. Compared to this time last year, are you:

    • happier or sadder? Happier
    • thinner or fatter? Much Fatter....for now
    • richer or poorer? The same
    • What do you wish you’d done more of?

      Relaxing and taking the moments in
  16. What do you wish you’d done less of?

    Worrying and
  17. How did you spend Christmas?
    With my family on Long Island....My heart was still with my family in GA though.
  18. What was your favorite TV program?
    Greys Anatomy
  19. What were your favorite books of the year?
    I read Gone with the Wind this year....great book. I also like The Glass Castle and Shades of Blue
  20. What was your favorite music from this year?

  21. What were your favorite films of the year?
    Did not get out much but I would say Due Date was my family.
  22. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
    Just had a birthday...I was 28 years old. My grandma and cousin came into the city and took me to lumch at Puntacanesa.Tomasz and I had a relaxing day watching movies for the rest of the day.
  23. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
    Can not say anything that would have made my year better. It was a good one.
  24. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010?
    umm.....the last 6 months was whatever fits!
  25. What kept you sane?
    All of the blessing that I have in my life.I am so lucky to have a great husband, great family new and old, great friends, a cute dog and belive it or not walking everywhere in NYC.
  26. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2010.

    Take all of the bad along with the good that life throws at you. Everything happens for a reason, even if you dont understand it until time passes.
Happy New Year! :)

Happy New Years!

Hi there! Jessi here...this is probably one of many posts that you will read from now until Ela comes. I was put on bed rest last Wednesday and I am already feeling the effects of restlessness. I have never been a good one at sitting still or staying in bed, but for the sake of Ela I have agreed to stay off my feet.

Last week  I went to the doctor because I was not feeling up to par and Ela was not moving as much. Throughout my pregnancy I had been feeling great so I knew something was not right when I started to feel bad. When visiting Dr. Kanos, he said that Ela's heartbeat was sluggish and sent us to the Labor and Delivery ward at the hospital. After 4 hours, and a total accident I was finally seen. ( I accidental peed my pants when trying to not sit on the nasty toliet seat and the nurse though my water broke-Good tip for next time)Apparently December 23 was a popular day for babies to be born in NYC . They hooked me up to a blood pressure monitor,contraction monitor and a fetal heart rate monitor.Upon getting undressed I noticed that my feet and legs were so swollen and red.Turns out Ela was doing great, but I was contracting every two minutes and my blood pressure was through the roof. After a few tests it was thought that I possibly had Preclampsia. My blood pressure was 127/102(normal range is 120/80) and I had protein in my urine. I was given two IV's and my blood pressure went down and the contractions stopped.We were released and I was sent back to the doctor the following week. Upon following up with the doctor on Tuesday I was sent back to the hospital for monitoring as my blood pressure was still elevated and I had blood in my urine. Again the blood pressure went down and I had several tests run on my blood. After following up Dr. Kanos diagnosed me with Preclampsia and told me Wednesday was going to be my last day at work. I was so upset but he reminded me that this was for Ela and not for me. Finally I ended up in the hospital again on New Years Eve with a headache due to high blood pressure.I was told if I had a headache to contact the doctor immediatly.I woke up with a headache that morning and even with tylenol it did not go away for most of the day. Headaches are one of the symptoms of high blood pressure and I was sent back to the BP monitor and Fetal Heart Rate Monitor.After consulting with a nurologist they sent me home with instructions to keep my feet elevated and rest.I did not have protien in my urine, but did have traces of blood again. At this point I will follow up with Dr. Kanos on Monday and we will go from there.
Most likely Ela will be born before her due date by induction or on her due date depending on my blood pressure. Upon going to the hospital the first time, Dr Kanos said that if I was 37 or 38 weeks he would deliver me that day.Although it would be perfectly safe to deliver at 36 weeks, Dr. Kanos said sometimes if you deliver a baby at 36 weeks, developmentally she will act like 34 weeks due to calculations of the due date. He has been a very conservative doctor throughout the pregnancy and is airing on the side of caution now.He is balancing the babies health with my health to determine the best time for Ela to come to ensure we are both healthy. This means monitoring me every two days in the office and checking my blood pressure and urine on a regular basis. Next week is a milestone for full term labor so unless the condition worsens this week, she could be born then!

Read about Preclampsia-  Baby Center-Preclampsia or  MedicineNet-Preclampsia

So after three trips to the hospital I am on bed rest until our sweet little Ela comes. The only good thing about all of this is that we got to see her on a Sonogram each time we went. She had her little foot at the top of my stomach and we watched her curl her toes and make a fist. The nurse said that she was practicing to breathe on her own and we got to see her heart beat.It looks like a lightining bug on the screen flashing every few seconds. She is already so big, and seeing her, Tomasz and I were already proud parents. She was moving around so much and we are more excited than ever to meet her. My bag is packed in case of emergency.

Other than a few little scares we had a great Christmas and New Years. For Christmas we went over to Grandma Claire's. It was a really nice day and Grandma still has it! She cooked so much food I was stuffed! She even cooked surf and turf for Christmas Eve! New Years, although half of the day was spent in the hospital was fun. Uncle Bob and Grandma came over and we all watched the apple drop form the window! It was a fun first New Years in Manhattan.

Today I am 36 weeks and next week at 37 weeks I am considered full term as there is nothing that the doctors will be able to do to stop labor from coming if it starts. I am finding plenty of projects to keep myself occupied until Ela makes her grand appearance! -- Check out whats happening this week --36 WEEKS

It keeps growing.....