Jessi went for her 6 month check up on October 14th and everything is looking good so far. Ela is growing perfectly....the only problem is so is Mom! Jessi has gained a total of 12.8 pds during pregnancy(which the average is 12-17 at this point) but the problem is that the first three pounds were early on and the last 10 were over the course of a month. If she keeps gaining 10 pds a month that will put her at almost 50 pds of weight gain when Ela is born. Doc just said to try to keep active as much as possible and eat healthier. No more ice cream or Polish cookies.(Jessi swears the Polish cookies is what did her in) The good news through all of this is that Ela is growing just as she should and is healthy!
Next visit is in two weeks. From now on Jessi will see the OBGYN every two weeks to monitor the heart rate and fetal movement. Oct 28th Jessi will go to get tested for Gestational Diabetes which is done for every woman between 25-28 weeks.This test is mostly for the baby as when the mother gives birth the typically the diabetes goes away. Its a simple test with a series of blood tests and drinking sugary drinks. Jessi will also get the Rohgaham shot for the A- blood type. This shot is given so that Ela's blood and Jessi's blood do not attack eachtoher. The shot is given at 26 weeks and then again after Ela is born.
Check out the belly pics this week...6 months and 1 week. (26 weeks)
We decided to keep up with doctors orders and we walked the Brooklyn Bridge on Sunday. We ended up walking almost 5 miles! Both of us were tired afterwards but it was such a wonderful day to be outdoors!
You will notice in this picture, Jessi is already growing out of the maternity clothes!
**Whats going on this week?!**How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12.8 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? Yes, and Jessi is even outgrowing some of them!
Food Craving of the Week: Apple kick still minus the peanutbutter. Grits too! (Guess the trip to GA us in)
Sleep: On and off
Best moment this week: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
Movement: Yup! everywhere
Belly Button in or out? Pop! Goes the Weasl
What I miss: Being able to move around easy
What I am looking forward to: Lauren and Sus coming to visit!
Weekly Wisdom: Not some that I like...cut back on the ice cream
Milestones: 6 months....and the belly button popping.I just can not get over that one.
So much to look forward to the next few weeks! Lauren is coming to visit Halloween weekend and then Susan the weekend after! We can't wait! More to come soon!
JB and TB