Its almost Christmas! We can not believe how fast this year has gone. It is our first Christmas as Mr and Mrs. Its also hard to believe that next Christmas Ela will almost be 1 years old! :)
Not too much new here. We had a relaxing day for Jessi's birthday. We went lunch at a restaurant Puntacanesa that we have wanted to try with Jessi's grandma and cousin Anita. Then we decided to brave the Herald Square crowds and went shopping at Macy's. BAD IDEA! Jessi's belly was knocking into everything! There was SO many people. That did not last long to say the least and we ended up back home for a quiet even on the couch. We are both excited to have a few day off and get to relax for the holidays. Jessi said its a good time to be pregnant because when everyone brings in chocolate and cake for her in the office she has an excuse to eat it!
Check out the belly: Its hard to believe its going to keep growing....
This week we got a present from Grandma....Along with the help of Amy and Amanda she made a "Baby Cake" for Ela. Don't know if you can see but it has diapers, receiving blankets, lotions, pacifiers, teething rings, washcloths, shampoo etc. It is so neat!! Can't believe it survived the mail!
Merry Christmas to everyone! :) See you soon!
JB and TB
Working mom to two little girls, wife to a pilot, living and loving life in NYC! Follow me on my journey of parenting joys, parenting fails and everything that goes on in between!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ela in the Bella!
Hi Everyone! In accordance with the past few months we had another wonderful but busy weekend! Jessi's dad and sister came into town for the weekend and we went to Long Island for Grandma K's birthday....Oh yeah and more sightseeing! A few more visitors and we will be authentic NYC tour guides! Ela does not even realize how many places she has been already! It was pretty cold and then got warm for a few days but it sure made up for the nice days today. The high here today was 23 degrees and right now it "feels like" 9 degrees.(Never understood why they don't just say 9 degrees) Thank goodness for Ela in the belly keeping Jessi warm! We are supposed to get our first real snow storm this weekend on Jessi's birthday!
Check out some pictures from this weekend:
Just got back from our 33 week doctors appointment. Everything is still looking good. Jessi is starting to experience Braxton Hicks contractions and Round Ligament Stretching. In layman's terms her body is "practicing labor". Braxton Hicks don't hurt, it just feels like tightening in the tummy. Through it all Ela is still managing to kick and roll around. We think we are going to have an athlete on our hands! (Or one hyper baby). Jessi's Dad(Proud Grandpa to be) got to feel Ela kick pretty hard a few times over the weekend. Amy was upset that Ela would not kick on command but was able to feel her once or twice. Our next doctors appointment is Dec 28th and at this appointment Jessi will have her thyroid tested for the last time, get a Strep B culture test(all women are tested between 35-40 weeks), and have an exam to see if she is dilating. All these tests mean that our sweet Ela will be here in no time! :)
Check out some pictures from this weekend:
Aunt Amy kissing her Niece
Daddy's Girls(All Three)
Tomek and Jessi
Of Course we cant forget about our "son"-Ozzy in his Winter Coat
33 Weeks Pregnant
This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 33 Weeks
How many weeks left? 5-6
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? oh yes, and Tomasz's clothes
Food Craving of the Week: Ice Cream Sandwiches (Amy dont even say anything)
Sleep: Not going so good...even with the Snuggle sleep is hard
Best moment this week: Seeing family
Movement: Yes, kicking, rolling and protruding
Belly Button in or out? Out and now Jessi has a bump under the shirt it is so far out
What I miss: Mobility and Sleep
What I am looking forward to: My Birthday
Weekly Wisdom: Keep walking
Milestones: First Snow in NYC and not falling on my butt!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 33 Weeks
How many weeks left? 5-6
Total weight gain: 24 pounds
Maternity clothes? oh yes, and Tomasz's clothes
Food Craving of the Week: Ice Cream Sandwiches (Amy dont even say anything)
Sleep: Not going so good...even with the Snuggle sleep is hard
Best moment this week: Seeing family
Movement: Yes, kicking, rolling and protruding
Belly Button in or out? Out and now Jessi has a bump under the shirt it is so far out
What I miss: Mobility and Sleep
What I am looking forward to: My Birthday
Weekly Wisdom: Keep walking
Milestones: First Snow in NYC and not falling on my butt!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Is that a Snowman in your Jacket?!
Hello Everyone! Sorry its been a while since our last update we have been SO busy! As of yesterday we are 32 weeks pregnant....only 8 more weeks to go! It seems so long when you think about it but compared to the past 8 months it will fly by!
See what your baby looks like this week.
Tomasz's Mom and Dad were here over the Thanksgiving holiday for a week. We had our first Thanksgiving at our apartment with Marian, Wanda, and Uncle Bob. It was a fun day with lots of yummy food. We used our wedding china for the first time too! This next weekend Jessi's Dad and Amy are coming up! We love having family visit us!! We cant wait for everyone to meet there little granddaughter, great-granddaughter, niece, or cousin!
We finally finished Ela's room this past weekend! It feels more real now that everything is done and we are waiting her grand entrance! We always ask Ozzy "Wheres baby Ela?" and he walks over to her room. He knows that somethings going on but does not quite understand it yet! We just hope that he does not get jealous as he is used to being the center of attention each and every day! Check out some pictures of her room!
Jessi went to the doctor last Tuesday and everything is still looking good. Ela is beginning to drop to make her grand entrance. Dr. Kanos said that starting in January he will be able to start to see if Ela will be on time or late so that Tomasz can make sure that he is home. They can check out dilated Jessi is and what direction Ela is heading in. So far Jessi has gained 19 pounds which is right in line with where she should be. Ela is still kicking away, sometimes kicking so hard she wakes Jessi up. Slowly the kicks are getting less frequent but stronger because she is running out of room in the tummy! I guess she is preparing us for the sleepless nights to come!
Does anyone want to take a guess what she will look like?! Talk to you soon!
JB and TB
How your baby's growing:
By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.See what your baby looks like this week.
Tomasz's Mom and Dad were here over the Thanksgiving holiday for a week. We had our first Thanksgiving at our apartment with Marian, Wanda, and Uncle Bob. It was a fun day with lots of yummy food. We used our wedding china for the first time too! This next weekend Jessi's Dad and Amy are coming up! We love having family visit us!! We cant wait for everyone to meet there little granddaughter, great-granddaughter, niece, or cousin!
We finally finished Ela's room this past weekend! It feels more real now that everything is done and we are waiting her grand entrance! We always ask Ozzy "Wheres baby Ela?" and he walks over to her room. He knows that somethings going on but does not quite understand it yet! We just hope that he does not get jealous as he is used to being the center of attention each and every day! Check out some pictures of her room!
Jessi went to the doctor last Tuesday and everything is still looking good. Ela is beginning to drop to make her grand entrance. Dr. Kanos said that starting in January he will be able to start to see if Ela will be on time or late so that Tomasz can make sure that he is home. They can check out dilated Jessi is and what direction Ela is heading in. So far Jessi has gained 19 pounds which is right in line with where she should be. Ela is still kicking away, sometimes kicking so hard she wakes Jessi up. Slowly the kicks are getting less frequent but stronger because she is running out of room in the tummy! I guess she is preparing us for the sleepless nights to come!
The bump is getting bigger. -31 weeks |
Does anyone want to take a guess what she will look like?! Talk to you soon!
JB and TB
Elizabeth Sofia Baran
Here is what our little one's name means!
The girl name Ela is pronounced EHLah †.It is predominantly used in the Polish language.
Ela is a short form (Polish) of Elizabeth (English).
Ela is also a form of Ella (English, Scandinavian, and Italian).
Ela is also a form (Polish) of Elvira (English, German, Italian, and Spanish).
Ela is also a form (Polish) of Melanie (Dutch
The name Sofia has the following meaning:
*Sofia was the most popular name in 2009.
The name Elizabeth has the following meaning:
Pledged to God. A very popular name. Traditional and elegant sounding, this name was popularized greatly by the famous actress Elizabeth Taylor. It is also the name of the mother of John the Baptist.
The girl name Ela is pronounced EHLah †.It is predominantly used in the Polish language.
Ela is a short form (Polish) of Elizabeth (English).
Ela is also a form of Ella (English, Scandinavian, and Italian).
Ela is also a form (Polish) of Elvira (English, German, Italian, and Spanish).
Ela is also a form (Polish) of Melanie (Dutch
The name Sofia has the following meaning:
*Sofia was the most popular name in 2009.
Monday, November 15, 2010
It just keeps growing!
Hello!! This week we are 29 weeks! Only 9-10 more weeks to go. The third trimester has been good so far, but Jessi is defiantly slowing down. We don't go back to the doctor until after Thanksgiving as Dr. Kanos is taking some time off....We are happy that he is taking off his time now instead of around Ela's birthday. It turns out that our due day (January 31st) is also Dr. Kanos's birthday! He says he is working that day but we wont hold him to it:) Jessi feels like she is going to come a few days early....Only God knows. Anyone want to make a bet on Ela's birthday?? We both really like him as a doctor so we just hope that he will deliver Ela. There is only a 10% chance he wont deliver her as he only has 30 patients at a time. He is the only doctor in his practice and if he is not available the high risk doctors are his on call. Either way a win-win!
Not much new news this week but check out the belly. It feels like it has gotten bigger and bigger faster than any other weeks before.
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes? More like leggings, sweaters and Tomasz's clothes
Food Craving of the Week: Kiwi and Grapefruits
Sleep: trying...
Best moment this week: Reading and Relaxing-Tackling Gone with the Wind-Next week the movie!
Movement: Yes During the 7th month you feel the baby move the most. I even feel her when she has hiccups.
Belly Button in or out? Ugh....Looks SO gross
What I miss: Mobility...getting harder to move around
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving
Weekly Wisdom: Eat allot of small true cant fit it all in there
Milestones: Seeing Little Ela's feet come out of my belly
Not much new news this week but check out the belly. It feels like it has gotten bigger and bigger faster than any other weeks before.
How far along? 29 Weeks
Total weight gain: 15 pounds
Maternity clothes? More like leggings, sweaters and Tomasz's clothes
Food Craving of the Week: Kiwi and Grapefruits
Sleep: trying...
Best moment this week: Reading and Relaxing-Tackling Gone with the Wind-Next week the movie!
Movement: Yes During the 7th month you feel the baby move the most. I even feel her when she has hiccups.
Belly Button in or out? Ugh....Looks SO gross
What I miss: Mobility...getting harder to move around
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving
Weekly Wisdom: Eat allot of small true cant fit it all in there
Milestones: Seeing Little Ela's feet come out of my belly
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
82 days left to go!
WOW cant believe the holidays are almost here! It has been a busy but fun past few weeks. This weekend Susan was here and we had a very fun relaxing weekend! Much needed. Tomasz had two pregnant in the house..poor guy especially when we had to decide what we were going to eat! The weekend was so fun and I cant wait to meet Ela's new buddy(Baby K) in 7 months! Here are a few pictures from the weekend!
We went to the doctor today. Starting in the third trimester we have to go every two weeks for a few measurements and to check our overall health. Ela is measuring perfect size for her fundal(measurement from her top to bottom) We also confirmed that she is in the correct position for birth already. Hopefully she will stay that way. Her head is face down which means the feet are in Jessi's ribs. Jessi can defiantly feel her feet in the ribs now and you will often see her pushing them out. We are even able to play games with Ela already. If you put your hand on Jessi's belly she will kick, move your hand to another spot and she will kick and so on.Already a playful little girl! Jessi gained three pounds over the past two weeks which is in line with the suggested weight gain. Total weight gain at this point is 14 pounds.
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? Of Course
Food Craving of the Week: Kiwi
Sleep: here and there
Best moment this week: Hanging out with Sus
Movement: Yup! everywhere
Belly Button in or out? Of course
What I miss: Being able to see my feet
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and seeing Marian and Wanda
Weekly Wisdom: Eating Kiwi's with a spoon.
Milestones: 7 months
We went to the doctor today. Starting in the third trimester we have to go every two weeks for a few measurements and to check our overall health. Ela is measuring perfect size for her fundal(measurement from her top to bottom) We also confirmed that she is in the correct position for birth already. Hopefully she will stay that way. Her head is face down which means the feet are in Jessi's ribs. Jessi can defiantly feel her feet in the ribs now and you will often see her pushing them out. We are even able to play games with Ela already. If you put your hand on Jessi's belly she will kick, move your hand to another spot and she will kick and so on.Already a playful little girl! Jessi gained three pounds over the past two weeks which is in line with the suggested weight gain. Total weight gain at this point is 14 pounds.
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: 14 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? Of Course
Food Craving of the Week: Kiwi
Sleep: here and there
Best moment this week: Hanging out with Sus
Movement: Yup! everywhere
Belly Button in or out? Of course
What I miss: Being able to see my feet
What I am looking forward to: Thanksgiving and seeing Marian and Wanda
Weekly Wisdom: Eating Kiwi's with a spoon.
Milestones: 7 months
Monday, November 1, 2010
Happy Third Trimester!
What a fun busy weekend! Lauren came to visit us and boy did we have fun...and walk alot! And....a huge milestone. OUR THIRD TRIMESTER! (27 weeks)
We had so much fun with Lauren and Iman over the weekend! Lets just say being tourists in our own city is exhausting! We probably bet that we walked at least 15 miles this weekend! We saw the empire state building, central park, 5th avenue, Coney Island,Wall Street, Hoboken and so many more places! Really sad to see Lauren go home but Susan is coming this weekend!! Cant wait and love having visitors!
Check out our pics and of course the Ela bump!
On Thursday we had doctors appointments most of the day. Jessi was able to take a personal day so we were at the doctor, hospital and then the dentist! The checkup went well. Ela is measuring perfectly as far as her fundal height(from head to rump) and Jessi lost .5pds in two weeks. It is ok that she lost weight as everything is the correct sise as far as the baby and the belly. Jessi starting walking alot more again over the past few weeks which the weight loss is most likley attributed to.(Trust us...its not due to a lack of eating ..heheh) Overall she has gained 12 pds which the average is around 13-17 at this point. Jessi had the Gestational Diabetes test done. It was SO gross. They took blood, had her drink a bottle of a sweet orange flat soda drink and then took blood three more times each hour. A four hour doctors appointment! Then we went to the hospital to be tested for the RH- blood factor in order to get the Rohgham shot. Once confirmed again(Just in case her body was already having a reaction) we went back to the doctor to get the shot. And boy was it a shot!! Tomasz saw the needle and did not say much until after the shot was done. It took about two minutes to get the shot injected as the needle was very big and the serum was thick! A shaken up Tomasz and a Jessi with a sore butt finally headed to the dentist.Everything went great and Jessi has healthy teeth! It is very common during pregnancy to experience gum problems, but none here! :) The next doctor appointment is in two weeks. Since we are in the third trimester, going forward Jessi will go to the doctor every two weeks until Ela arrives.
We had so much fun with Lauren and Iman over the weekend! Lets just say being tourists in our own city is exhausting! We probably bet that we walked at least 15 miles this weekend! We saw the empire state building, central park, 5th avenue, Coney Island,Wall Street, Hoboken and so many more places! Really sad to see Lauren go home but Susan is coming this weekend!! Cant wait and love having visitors!
Check out our pics and of course the Ela bump!
Looking forward to seeing Susan this weekend! Hopefully it wont be too cold! Jessi just popped off the button of her jacket on the way home today! Guess that means the belly is getting bigger!
JB and TB
Monday, October 18, 2010
Somethings wrong with the scale!
Hello There! Been a busy few weeks! We went to Georgia, came home to relax but each weekend we have been running around getting ready for Ela and hanging out. The weather is getting cold up here but its not too bad yet. Its been raining alot but when it's not the temperature is usually in the high 50's or low 60's. Guess we have to get ready for our first winter back up north! This weekend we painted(Jessi) painted pumpkins to get into the fall season. Of course Ela got a pumpkin too! GO YANKEES!
Jessi went for her 6 month check up on October 14th and everything is looking good so far. Ela is growing perfectly....the only problem is so is Mom! Jessi has gained a total of 12.8 pds during pregnancy(which the average is 12-17 at this point) but the problem is that the first three pounds were early on and the last 10 were over the course of a month. If she keeps gaining 10 pds a month that will put her at almost 50 pds of weight gain when Ela is born. Doc just said to try to keep active as much as possible and eat healthier. No more ice cream or Polish cookies.(Jessi swears the Polish cookies is what did her in) The good news through all of this is that Ela is growing just as she should and is healthy!
Next visit is in two weeks. From now on Jessi will see the OBGYN every two weeks to monitor the heart rate and fetal movement. Oct 28th Jessi will go to get tested for Gestational Diabetes which is done for every woman between 25-28 weeks.This test is mostly for the baby as when the mother gives birth the typically the diabetes goes away. Its a simple test with a series of blood tests and drinking sugary drinks. Jessi will also get the Rohgaham shot for the A- blood type. This shot is given so that Ela's blood and Jessi's blood do not attack eachtoher. The shot is given at 26 weeks and then again after Ela is born.
Check out the belly pics this week...6 months and 1 week. (26 weeks)
How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12.8 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? Yes, and Jessi is even outgrowing some of them!
Food Craving of the Week: Apple kick still minus the peanutbutter. Grits too! (Guess the trip to GA us in)
Sleep: On and off
Best moment this week: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
Movement: Yup! everywhere
Belly Button in or out? Pop! Goes the Weasl
What I miss: Being able to move around easy
What I am looking forward to: Lauren and Sus coming to visit!
Weekly Wisdom: Not some that I like...cut back on the ice cream
Milestones: 6 months....and the belly button popping.I just can not get over that one.
So much to look forward to the next few weeks! Lauren is coming to visit Halloween weekend and then Susan the weekend after! We can't wait! More to come soon!
JB and TB
Jessi went for her 6 month check up on October 14th and everything is looking good so far. Ela is growing perfectly....the only problem is so is Mom! Jessi has gained a total of 12.8 pds during pregnancy(which the average is 12-17 at this point) but the problem is that the first three pounds were early on and the last 10 were over the course of a month. If she keeps gaining 10 pds a month that will put her at almost 50 pds of weight gain when Ela is born. Doc just said to try to keep active as much as possible and eat healthier. No more ice cream or Polish cookies.(Jessi swears the Polish cookies is what did her in) The good news through all of this is that Ela is growing just as she should and is healthy!
Next visit is in two weeks. From now on Jessi will see the OBGYN every two weeks to monitor the heart rate and fetal movement. Oct 28th Jessi will go to get tested for Gestational Diabetes which is done for every woman between 25-28 weeks.This test is mostly for the baby as when the mother gives birth the typically the diabetes goes away. Its a simple test with a series of blood tests and drinking sugary drinks. Jessi will also get the Rohgaham shot for the A- blood type. This shot is given so that Ela's blood and Jessi's blood do not attack eachtoher. The shot is given at 26 weeks and then again after Ela is born.
Check out the belly pics this week...6 months and 1 week. (26 weeks)
We decided to keep up with doctors orders and we walked the Brooklyn Bridge on Sunday. We ended up walking almost 5 miles! Both of us were tired afterwards but it was such a wonderful day to be outdoors!
You will notice in this picture, Jessi is already growing out of the maternity clothes!
**Whats going on this week?!**How far along? 26 Weeks
Total weight gain: 12.8 pounds and growing
Maternity clothes? Yes, and Jessi is even outgrowing some of them!
Food Craving of the Week: Apple kick still minus the peanutbutter. Grits too! (Guess the trip to GA us in)
Sleep: On and off
Best moment this week: Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
Movement: Yup! everywhere
Belly Button in or out? Pop! Goes the Weasl
What I miss: Being able to move around easy
What I am looking forward to: Lauren and Sus coming to visit!
Weekly Wisdom: Not some that I like...cut back on the ice cream
Milestones: 6 months....and the belly button popping.I just can not get over that one.
So much to look forward to the next few weeks! Lauren is coming to visit Halloween weekend and then Susan the weekend after! We can't wait! More to come soon!
JB and TB
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Today we are 6 months pregnant! Crazy to think in just three months we will meet little Ela! Good news is that if she was to come early for some reason she would be healthy enough to survive. Of course we want her to take her sweet time, but it is still comforting to know!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Pop....a little early for Thanksgiving!
So I feel that this is big milestone in my pregnancy so I had to blog about it.....My bellybutton finally popped out! YUCK! The sad thing is that I did not even notice. I was on Skype with Amy and she wanted to see my belly. I showed her and she said it looked like it popped out and sure enough I could not see it but I could feel it.....I guess I am an outie for the first time in my life. They need more books to prepare you for this stuff!
Jessi :)
Jessi :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Pink Polka Dots !
Us again! We went to Atlanta last weekend and got to see our family which was so wonderful! The weekend went by too quickly.... cant wait to see everyone again! Coming home was a bit of an adventure but it was more than worth it to see everyone! Its getting cold up here now. Jessi has been looking forward to the winter but not sure what she is in for!
On Sunday we wil be 24 weeks. At week 25 Jessi will be in her third trimester! That means 2/3 of the way done and soon enough we get to meet little Ela. Jessi has been still feeling good with no complaints. A little tierd after a long day of work but still alot of energy.
Here are a few pictures of the baby bump. It's getting bigger and bigger alot quicker now!
She still kicks alot, just mostly above the belly button since that is where she has settled now!
We have been starting to get Ela's nursery ready. Jessi is loving the decorating and Tomasz is Mr. Handy Man. So far we have the crib, and bedding set up. Jessi wanted a brand called Banana Fish which was around $260 for the set(sheet, bumper,bedskirt, and blanket) It was exactly the colors that we wanted but we thought $260 for a bed that is a third the size of ours is crazy. We got lucky and ended up finding a similar set of the same brand at TJMaxx for only $59!! What a great deal! We even got a diaper holder for $6. For anyone expecting check it So many cute designs! So here is the beginning of Ela's new room...and there is much more to come! (Of course Ozzy is already protective of his sister)
How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, thanks to Monika!
Food Craving of the Week: And week 3 of the apple and peanut butter kick...Whats going on?
Movement: Oh yea! She wants to let us know she is there
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? Getting there...
What I miss: My figure
What I am looking forward to: The weekend...its been a long week
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water.
Milestones: Almost in the third trimester
On Sunday we wil be 24 weeks. At week 25 Jessi will be in her third trimester! That means 2/3 of the way done and soon enough we get to meet little Ela. Jessi has been still feeling good with no complaints. A little tierd after a long day of work but still alot of energy.
Here are a few pictures of the baby bump. It's getting bigger and bigger alot quicker now!
She still kicks alot, just mostly above the belly button since that is where she has settled now!
Check out whats going on this week...24 Weeks-Click on Me
We have been starting to get Ela's nursery ready. Jessi is loving the decorating and Tomasz is Mr. Handy Man. So far we have the crib, and bedding set up. Jessi wanted a brand called Banana Fish which was around $260 for the set(sheet, bumper,bedskirt, and blanket) It was exactly the colors that we wanted but we thought $260 for a bed that is a third the size of ours is crazy. We got lucky and ended up finding a similar set of the same brand at TJMaxx for only $59!! What a great deal! We even got a diaper holder for $6. For anyone expecting check it So many cute designs! So here is the beginning of Ela's new room...and there is much more to come! (Of course Ozzy is already protective of his sister)
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: 7 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, thanks to Monika!
Food Craving of the Week: And week 3 of the apple and peanut butter kick...Whats going on?
Sleep: Getting worse and worse! Jessi has a cold now so its been bad
Best moment this week: Seeing all of our familyMovement: Oh yea! She wants to let us know she is there
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? Getting there...
What I miss: My figure
What I am looking forward to: The weekend...its been a long week
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water.
Milestones: Almost in the third trimester
Our next doctor appointment is on Oct 14th. Updates coming soon!
Jessi and Tomasz
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A little scare!
Jessi here....This post is mostly out of boardum as I have been in bed most of the day. We had a little scare but Mom and baby are perfectly fine!
This morning at 6am Tomasz and I were woken up(actually I woke up Tomasz) to pains in my abdomen and lower region. After calling both of our Mom's to figure out what was going on we ended up calling the doctor who advised I was having contractions and to come into the hospital. Believe it or not I wanted to walk, I felt better walking than being in a crazy taxi.(It was only 4 blocks). I have to practice after all for my walk to the hospital when I deliver Ela. When we got to the hospital I gave a urine and blood sample and had a pelvic examination. I then was hooked up to the contraction monitor and found that I was having contractions due to a bladder infection that I did not know that I had. It is very common in pregnancy to have Urinary Track Infections (Or UBI as Tomasz calls them) and not even realize it. If you think about it a uterus sitting on your bladder does not sound like a fun time in general! I was given an IV and the contractions were monitored until they eventually stopped. It was pretty scary for both us thinking that little Ela was in there moving around. I know it sounds stupid, but I wonder if she knew what was going on? From now until the end of the pregnancy I will be on a daily antibiotic to prevent future bladder infections as they can cause premature labor.
Read about Pregnancy and UTI Infections
On a positive note we got to see Ela in a another sonogram today. She sure is getting big and although Tomasz thought he saw her sucking her thumb she just had her hand close to her mouth. Just as the doctor said she was sleeping, she starting moving her legs to let us know she sure was awake! I can not wait to meet her! I just don't want to meet her until she finishes baking!
We are heading to Atlanta on Friday morning to see our families and could not be more excited. Its been almost 5 months since Jessi has been back and although Tomasz gets to go back for a day here and there he is looking forward to seeing everyone. See you soon! :)
This morning at 6am Tomasz and I were woken up(actually I woke up Tomasz) to pains in my abdomen and lower region. After calling both of our Mom's to figure out what was going on we ended up calling the doctor who advised I was having contractions and to come into the hospital. Believe it or not I wanted to walk, I felt better walking than being in a crazy taxi.(It was only 4 blocks). I have to practice after all for my walk to the hospital when I deliver Ela. When we got to the hospital I gave a urine and blood sample and had a pelvic examination. I then was hooked up to the contraction monitor and found that I was having contractions due to a bladder infection that I did not know that I had. It is very common in pregnancy to have Urinary Track Infections (Or UBI as Tomasz calls them) and not even realize it. If you think about it a uterus sitting on your bladder does not sound like a fun time in general! I was given an IV and the contractions were monitored until they eventually stopped. It was pretty scary for both us thinking that little Ela was in there moving around. I know it sounds stupid, but I wonder if she knew what was going on? From now until the end of the pregnancy I will be on a daily antibiotic to prevent future bladder infections as they can cause premature labor.
Read about Pregnancy and UTI Infections
On a positive note we got to see Ela in a another sonogram today. She sure is getting big and although Tomasz thought he saw her sucking her thumb she just had her hand close to her mouth. Just as the doctor said she was sleeping, she starting moving her legs to let us know she sure was awake! I can not wait to meet her! I just don't want to meet her until she finishes baking!
We are heading to Atlanta on Friday morning to see our families and could not be more excited. Its been almost 5 months since Jessi has been back and although Tomasz gets to go back for a day here and there he is looking forward to seeing everyone. See you soon! :)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Half Way There!- 22 weeks
So we are more than half way there! It has gone by so fast, but at the same time feels like forever. We are 22 weeks on Sunday. At 24 weeks(6 months) little Ela will be ok if she decides to come into the world early. Its scary to think about her coming early, but at least we know that if it does happen she will be alright.
See how Mom and baby are growing : I am 22 Weeks!
Jessi thinks that Ela is destined to be a soccer player. The past two weeks she has been kicking and moving like crazy. Jessi has not been able to sleep much because Ela has been moving but Chamomile Tea seems to calm her down before bed. That does not mean that she wakes both of us up at night when Jessi can not sleep! Its funny because we thought they said to get the sleep before the baby comes!!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain: 5.9 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, but Jessi is mostly wearing Tomasz's clothes at home now.
Food Craving of the Week: Still on the Granny Smith Apple and Honey Peanut Butter kick. Guess it could be a worse craving. Jessi also has eaten half a loaf of Polish bread in two days!
Sleep: Whats that? I had to play catch up on Saturday because I did not sleep all week!
Best moment this week: Getting to finally sleep
Movement: Like Crazy!! She kicks pushes and it looks like an alien when she pops out of Jessi's tummy.
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? Give me another week and its gonna pop out!
What I miss: My family! Get to see them on Friday!
What I am looking forward to: Going to GA on Friday
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water.
Milestones: Ela is running the marathon in Jessi's tummy.(At least it feels that way) Maybe she will take after her Grandpa.
See how Mom and baby are growing : I am 22 Weeks!
Jessi thinks that Ela is destined to be a soccer player. The past two weeks she has been kicking and moving like crazy. Jessi has not been able to sleep much because Ela has been moving but Chamomile Tea seems to calm her down before bed. That does not mean that she wakes both of us up at night when Jessi can not sleep! Its funny because we thought they said to get the sleep before the baby comes!!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 22 Weeks
Total weight gain: 5.9 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, but Jessi is mostly wearing Tomasz's clothes at home now.
Food Craving of the Week: Still on the Granny Smith Apple and Honey Peanut Butter kick. Guess it could be a worse craving. Jessi also has eaten half a loaf of Polish bread in two days!
Sleep: Whats that? I had to play catch up on Saturday because I did not sleep all week!
Best moment this week: Getting to finally sleep
Movement: Like Crazy!! She kicks pushes and it looks like an alien when she pops out of Jessi's tummy.
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? Give me another week and its gonna pop out!
What I miss: My family! Get to see them on Friday!
What I am looking forward to: Going to GA on Friday
Weekly Wisdom: Drink lots of water.
Milestones: Ela is running the marathon in Jessi's tummy.(At least it feels that way) Maybe she will take after her Grandpa.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Pink is the Word!
Well now that we know we are having a sweet little girl we have started getting ideas and decorating Ela's nursery. We both did not want a very girly girl room so we decided on brown and pink. Jessi is notorious for her craft projects and has already made Ela's name to hang on the wall in her room above the crib. Check it out!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain: 4.9 pounds
Maternity clothes? dont have a choice now!
Food Craving of the Week: Granny Smith apples with Honey Peanut butter(ate three this week already)
Sleep: Little Better. We have been sleeping with windows open
Best moment this week: Finding out the sex of our sweet Ela
Movement: oh yea! She is going to be a soccer player
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? In but almost out!
What I miss: Having a beer during the GA games!
What I am looking forward to: everything!
Weekly Wisdom: Use Vitamen E insteady of Coco Butter for the tummy
Milestones: Ela kicked me for the first time. Jessi has felt her move and twist but in the middle of grocery shopping was very startled when Ela kicked right in the middle of the tummy.Soccer player! :)
Jessi is so excited to decorate her room. Here are some of the ideas that we were thinking...
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain: 4.9 pounds
Maternity clothes? dont have a choice now!
Food Craving of the Week: Granny Smith apples with Honey Peanut butter(ate three this week already)
Sleep: Little Better. We have been sleeping with windows open
Best moment this week: Finding out the sex of our sweet Ela
Movement: oh yea! She is going to be a soccer player
Gender: Female!!
Belly Button in or out? In but almost out!
What I miss: Having a beer during the GA games!
What I am looking forward to: everything!
Weekly Wisdom: Use Vitamen E insteady of Coco Butter for the tummy
Milestones: Ela kicked me for the first time. Jessi has felt her move and twist but in the middle of grocery shopping was very startled when Ela kicked right in the middle of the tummy.Soccer player! :)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Daddy's Little Girl! :)
We had the anatomy sonogram this afternoon. Jessi's inution was right!!The first thing that we saw was Ela's spine bright and clear. We saw her head, her little feet and hands and even all of her organs. The technician had to take pictures and measure each organ to make sure that she was growing normally. She kept kicking the OBGYN tech every time that she moved the sonar over Jessi's stomach. Already stubborn.... She was moving around like crazy. The sonar would go to the left, Ela would move to the right. Here are a few pictures!
Does she have Mommy or Daddy's nose?
All of Ela's organs are the perfect size and she is 12 ounces. After the sonogram we went to our OBGYN for Jessi's monthly checkup. Jessi gained 4.8 pounds and the doctor said that her weight and belly size is perfect with where it should be at 20 weeks. 20 weeks is the halfway point of the pregnancy. 20 more weeks to go! Baby and Mom are both perfectly healthy!
Here are a few pictures of Jessi.
Here is the "3" of us at Susan and Nate's wedding!
We are so excited about our little Ela and can't wait to see everyone soon!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
1 more day!
We had a fun weekend in Charleston for Susan's wedding! Now back to reality and the suspense is killing us!! (Probably Jessi the most) We find out on Thrusday if our little peanut is going to be an ETHAN TOMASZ or ELIZABETH (ELLA) SOFIA We go in for the sonogram at 2:45 and then a montly checkup at 3:45. We also should know Tomasz's bloodtype for the A- bloodtype test. Jessi can not even sleep she is so excited!!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 19.5 Weeks
Total weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? oh yea...I <3 the Bella Band!
Food Craving of the Week: Five Guys...I almost gaged when Tomasz ordered his food and complained at how bad it smelt. When he started eating it I HAD to have it...and did, I ate most of it. (And then got some for lunch today. Cheeseburger with Jalepenos on it!! Lets hope this obsession goes away quick!
Sleep: Trying just can't
Best moment this week: Finding out the sex.
Movement: "Peanut" sleeps during the day and is moves around all night.Feel him/her rolling around
Gender: Thursday!
Belly Button in or out? In but almost out!
What I miss: Wearing cute clothes
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Peanut kick on my belly
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wear tight pants...REALLY???
Milestones: Peanut went to his/her first wedding! Aunt Susan's :)
Check back on Thrusday night to see pictures and of course to find out if we are having a girl or boy!
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 19.5 Weeks
Total weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? oh yea...I <3 the Bella Band!
Food Craving of the Week: Five Guys...I almost gaged when Tomasz ordered his food and complained at how bad it smelt. When he started eating it I HAD to have it...and did, I ate most of it. (And then got some for lunch today. Cheeseburger with Jalepenos on it!! Lets hope this obsession goes away quick!
Sleep: Trying just can't
Best moment this week: Finding out the sex.
Movement: "Peanut" sleeps during the day and is moves around all night.Feel him/her rolling around
Gender: Thursday!
Belly Button in or out? In but almost out!
What I miss: Wearing cute clothes
What I am looking forward to: Seeing Peanut kick on my belly
Weekly Wisdom: Don't wear tight pants...REALLY???
Milestones: Peanut went to his/her first wedding! Aunt Susan's :)
Check back on Thrusday night to see pictures and of course to find out if we are having a girl or boy!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Just Tell Us Already!!!
We are 18 weeks as of today...Two more weeks and Jessi is half way through our pregnancy. We are very excited to go to Folly Beach this weekend for Susan's wedding and have a good time and relax. Looking back it seems to have gone by soon we both forgot the morning sickness and overall yucky feeling! We must just be excited!
Well Jessi is getting very anxious to find out if "Peanut"is a BOY or a GIRL! Only 11 more days!! Not that it will matter either way, but she is just curious. Tomasz says that "Peanut" already knows what he/she is and we just need to be patient. Easier said than done!! Jessi still feels very strongly that we are having a girl, and will be shocked if the doctor tells us otherwise. Tomasz is not sure because based off of all the old myths he thinks it could be either...he does know that Jessi has been eating allot of pickles and that is the sign of a boy.
Here is how big our little "Peanut" is now!
What Is Happening To Your Baby
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? pants yes...shirts no
Sleep: Wake up 3-4 tmes a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Someone gave up there seat on the subway becuase they saw i was pregnant. in six weeks.
Movement: "Peanut" sleeps during the day and is moves around all night.Feel him/her rolling around
Gender: A few more days!
Labor Signs: Nope...ask me in 5 more months
Belly Button in or out? In but getting it really is trying to be out.
What I miss: Coffee...non of this decaff nonsense!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex
Weekly Wisdom: Dont take hot showers...a lady told me that when I told her I was pregnant?!
Milestones: Tomasz actually gave blood! ;)
Well Jessi is getting very anxious to find out if "Peanut"is a BOY or a GIRL! Only 11 more days!! Not that it will matter either way, but she is just curious. Tomasz says that "Peanut" already knows what he/she is and we just need to be patient. Easier said than done!! Jessi still feels very strongly that we are having a girl, and will be shocked if the doctor tells us otherwise. Tomasz is not sure because based off of all the old myths he thinks it could be either...he does know that Jessi has been eating allot of pickles and that is the sign of a boy.
Here is how big our little "Peanut" is now!
What Is Happening To Your Baby
Your baby is 5.59 inches (14.2 cm) in total length and weighs about 6.7 ounces (190 g).
Your baby’s ears are approaching their final position. Your baby’s eyes are also developing as they’re starting to face forward and their retinas may be able to detect light.
Your baby’s bones will continue to harden and the pads for his fingers and toes are formed. They will gain the characteristic swirls and creases that form finger and toe prints.
The meconium (an early fecal waste matter) will start to be collected in the intestines. If the baby is a boy, the prostate will begin developing as well.
The baby’s heart is starting to build up muscle and is starting to pump out about 25 to 30 quarts of blood a day.
**Whats going on this week?!**
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? pants yes...shirts no
Sleep: Wake up 3-4 tmes a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Someone gave up there seat on the subway becuase they saw i was pregnant. in six weeks.
Movement: "Peanut" sleeps during the day and is moves around all night.Feel him/her rolling around
Gender: A few more days!
Labor Signs: Nope...ask me in 5 more months
Belly Button in or out? In but getting it really is trying to be out.
What I miss: Coffee...non of this decaff nonsense!
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the sex
Weekly Wisdom: Dont take hot showers...a lady told me that when I told her I was pregnant?!
Milestones: Tomasz actually gave blood! ;)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Pinkberry is Jessi's new craving this week! Its a healthy one too! Frozen yogurt with your choice of fresh fruit on top. Tonight was Mango frozen yogurt with raspberries and kiwis! YUMMY!
We got our tests back from the doctor this week. As expected the cystic fibrosis test came back negative.We did find out that Jessi has an A- blood type which means that she has a negative RH factor. If "Peanut" is a positive blood type there is a chance that Jessi's blood will produce antibodies that attack "Peanuts" blood.This only becomes a problem during the actual delivery of the baby when the bloods can come in contact. In earlier years this used to be a problem, but now there is a very easy solution to the Mom and Baby having opposite blood types.
Option 1: The easiest solution is to figure out what Tomasz's blood type is.If Tomasz has a negative blood type as well, there will be no problems going forward. Tomasz will go get his blood tested to figure out if he is negative or positive--You would think that he is going in for major surgery tomorrow the way he is so scared to give blood.(hehe)
Option 2: The second option is that if Tomasz is a positive blood type, Jessi will get a shot at 28 weeks and then again immediately after delivery of "Peanut". "Poor little "Peanut" will have to get one too when he/she is born. Good news is that the RH Factor is as simple as that to solve. Lets hope that Tomasz has a negative blood type too for simplicity sake! Read More: Just Mommies-RH Factor
Other big news this week is that belly is getting bigger! After only 4 days of being at work Tomasz noticed that Jess's belly had gotten bigger.Check out Jessi at 18 Weeks !
As much as Jessi fought wearing the maternity pants, they are MUCH more comfortable than trying to squeeze the belly into pre-pregnancy jeans!
More to come later. Can't wait to see everyone!
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